Look at my babies! Aren't they the prettiest babies? But why is the mum so protective

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Hey so...
My chin had babies. They are the most amazing babies in the world!
They actually had them as soon as I left the country so my ...mother xD is with me on cam 24/7 and I'm staring at them and telling mum exactly what to do how to handle them etc. It's kinda hard, but she has handled them before, and due to the birth experience is melting and her voice goes all cooing like every time she even sees them. Anyway.
I will show you some pictures of them she took, and in the same time ask you a question.
Background to this question goes like this: Mother is an AMAZING mother and won't let anybody but my own mother touch the babies, spraying urine at my room mate, etc. The father is an AMAZING father and has not once done anything but smell and groom these babies.
I had to remove the father, because the mother, as amazing as she is, won't let him nowhere near him and seems to hate his guts.
I have heard of these cases happen but I don't know... He is now in another (a little smaller sadly) cage, and the mum and babies are in the big cage. We have tried everything from letting the dad with the babies, letting the mum with dad without babies, and it just doesn't work, she hates him. Umm... I have never seen them fight before except for when they first were introduced they tumbled each other a little but they were fine. They did NOT sleep unless they were lying back to back or something, and when one came out on my shoulder for a quick run to the store or something the other one stood there and cried. (so I had to run around with two chins in my hoodie, fun!)
Is there anything other then time that can bring these two lovers back together? My daddy is broken because he can't sleep with his babies =[
mum holding the babay

babay at mummah' feet going all SUP DOG



play area (well, a tiny part of it)

little mogly climbs up and then doesn't know what to do and lets go and falls. it breaks my heart that he does this.

first day

5 hours old babies (they are now 3 days old)

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos..._413661511871_515186871_4884491_2280439_n.jpg miss momey(pictures of the dad later he is really unhappy right now)
What is going on between the male and female is completely normal for some chins. He doesn't love her and want to be back in with her - he wants to mate her. She doesn't want it. She is focused on her kits and she doesn't want him near them. She's protecting them, which is what she's supposed to do.

When you have male/female pairs, you have two choices. You leave them together all the time to avoid the whole reintroduction issue or you separate them, wait until the kits are weaned, and they try and reintroduce them. If you keep trying to do it now, while she's nursing the kits, you're going to end up with an injured male and/or injured kits during the fight. Let the kits go visit dad to give mom a break and so he can see them, but keep the male and female apart.

She isn't being mean, she's being a mom.
I dont really know anything about breeding, but should kits have access to those ramps and all those jumping surfaces so young, or is that just more of a pet owner perspective?
no. They shouldn't have access to those ramps or shelves.

a) the cage is way to big
b) there are shelves which should be removed
c) the shelves are not solid-so it is an accident waiting to happen. They can easily slip their foot in between the wires-jump-causing a fracture.

I soo wish pet people would stop producing litters. Yeah it's cute but if you are not doing your own research prior to breeding you shouldn't be putting a male/female together. Sorry-this is not intended just for you but for everyone on here I have been seeing breeding then asking for help.
They are very very cute.:)
But would be nervous w/ them climbing up the bars like that. You don't want them to get hurt.
little mogly climbs up and then doesn't know what to do and lets go and falls. it breaks my heart that he does this.

Kristy I did notice it, but noticed this even more. If it breaks your heart to see him climb up and fall, please don't let him do this. A baby safe cage is one without ledges or ramps. While chinchillas are natural climbers and jumpers they dont' start out that way as a kit. A fall from this height could injure or even kill and baby.