little cut

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my chinchilla has a cut on her lip. its very small, and their was very little blood. ive never had a chinchilla get cut before. what should i do? i cleaned it well. she doesnt seemed to be effected by it. is it okay to give her dustbaths with a cut? how should i go about getting the little bit of blood off her fur?
Pass on the dustbaths until a hard scab forms - then she'll be fine!
If redness or swelling start, [infection] a vet trip will be necessary!
Little cuts are usually no big deal. A good cleaning and watching are all that are usually required. Just watch for infection. You may also want to find the source of the cut. If it is a loose wire in the cage or a sharp corner you will want to fix that.
Actually a dust bath is often used by ranchers to help form scabs etc. and promote them to granulate and heal in chins that have been beat up.

Find what caused it, and treat her like normal, watch for infection and treat her as normal.
ive already found the cause and fixed it.that was of course my first thought. it was a little piece of wire. not sure how it got there? their little hand can reach farther then you think tho!
I talked to 2 different vets that are great with chinchillas a few days ago when my chin got a cut and both said no dust baths. Something can get in the cut that way.