Litter tray

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Well-known member
Nov 17, 2010
South England
Hey! I was just wondering what bedding to put in my Chinchilla's little house? She kind of uses it as a toilet but I want something safe in there that wont harm her if she eats it. At the moment she has carefresh in there but I'm wary as she has tried to eat it previously, I'd prefer to avoid wood shavings as my son has breathing difficulties and we've found they aggrivate his asthma. I've heard that a wood based cat litter could be used in the "pull out" tray - can I use the same for the house? or is this detremental to her health? is there anything you would recommend - what do YOU use?

Thanks in advance
Honestly, the best thing to use is KD pine shavings. I understand that's a difficult option due to your sons breathing. Please don't use any form of cat litter with the chins, the composition of it is probably not good for them, or their breathing either, let alone what might happen if they ate it. I'm not sure what a wood based litter is made of, wood base only says that it has wood in it but doesn't say what else they've added.

You could try fleece. But it the edges aren't held down by something the chin would most likely chew it. Having a hard time visualizing your chins "little house". Is it like a wood hidey house? I had one chin who would pee on their wood shelves, so i put a marble slab in those spots. Problem solved. You could try that, putting a chin chiller in there.....
Honestly, the best thing to use is KD pine shavings.

KD Pine isn't the best, there are several good beddings you can use. I personally have pretty bad allergies and asthma. The KD pine tends to aggravate my allergies. I use aspen shavings in the litter pans and it doesn't bother me at all. It doesn't have as much as a noticeable scent as pine, which I think helps.

You could try fleece. But it the edges aren't held down by something the chin would most likely chew it.

Not all of the edges of my fleece liners are held down and none of my chins chew their fleece.
Lots of chins do chew fleece. Yours may not so lucky you but i have some that do, as do many other chin owners. And if they do then that's a problem.

and pine may not be the "best" for everyone but again is widely recommended and used. The point of the post was to give her ideas of what she can use....
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Lots of chins do chew fleece. And if they do then that's a problem

Have you seen how many people here use fleece? Pretty much all the pet people have some sort of fleece in their cages- its WHY we use fleece- because chins generally do not chew it. They try, figure out they can't easily destroy it, and are done with it. If they are persistent in chewing it and tear it up, then it's a problem. All 7 of my chins are in cages full of fleece tubes, fleece hammocks, fleece houses, fleece liners, etc. and do not chew their fleece. I'm sure many others can tell you the same.
Yes i have seen how many people use fleece, and i also have read about lots of chins chewing it, including mine. Having chins for 12 years ive seen things work and not work as well, so fleece is not across the board safe.
Yes i have seen how many people use fleece, and i also have read about lots of chins chewing it

This is news to me- as I have also been around for awhile and have only heard about a few select chins chewing it. If lots of chins chew it then why does about 98% of pet owner cages have tons of fleece things in them? If it is not safe then why do tons of reputable people sell fleece items and recommend them?

It may not work for you but it works for many others. Bottom line is, if your chin chews the fleece excessively, as in tearing it apart- take it out. However it's not fair to come on and say that it is dangerous and not safe just because yours happened to chew their fleece. To the OP, you'll never know until you try- suppliers on here are reputable people and wouldn't sell fleece items if they were dangerous to every single chin out there. Most chins taste test the fleece, may dig at it a bit, but it is a very hardy fabric and is very hard to tear apart.
You may need to re-read my posts i have not said it's "unsafe". I said its not across the board safe, and IF they do chew then clearly it IS a problem. These are the things i have said. I never said not to use it or i would not have posted it in my first response to begin with.

You've spent more time trying to tear apart my posts, and stating that i've said things that i have not.

Once again, I did not say fleece was unsafe. I said IF A CHIN CHEWS IT THEN ITS A PROBLEM. Which everyone will agree with. I also use fleece, but NOT with the chins who chew it. You've pretty much blown alot of smoke for nothing becuase i did not tell her not to use them. I said if the edges are not held down the chins will most likely chew, to what extent is variable. But isnt that why most people (including myself) sew fleece items to not have exposed edges and threads? Yes i believe that is why.

So please next time you want to rip someone apart make sure they are really saying what you think they are. Because these:

it is dangerous and not safe.

were never my words.
Oh dear I'm sorry if my post has started a bit of an argument. I think I'll just shop about and try a few things. Not sure if they sell KD pine in the UK... but I'm sure there's a brititsh alternative. I'll try the fleece thing and if she chews it then I'll remove it ;)
Thanks for the replies :)

I think that you should try making yourself a few fleece pads that are the same size as the inside of the house in which he uses the bathroom. There are seevral different ways to make the pads, some people do 3 layers of fleece, some people put in a quilted batting.

This way you can try it out, and when they use the bathroom on it, just throw it in the washer with some scent free laudry detergent, and some vinegar.

Try it out, as this is most likely your best option right now. Then if this doesnt work for you, try some wood shavings, but you should exhaust all your other options first, for the sake of your son.

Hope this helps :)

Oh dear I'm sorry if my post has started a bit of an argument. I think I'll just shop about and try a few things. Not sure if they sell KD pine in the UK... but I'm sure there's a brititsh alternative. I'll try the fleece thing and if she chews it then I'll remove it ;)
Thanks for the replies :)

I think that you should try making yourself a few fleece pads that are the same size as the inside of the house in which he uses the bathroom. There are seevral different ways to make the pads, some people do 3 layers of fleece, some people put in a quilted batting.

This way you can try it out, and when they use the bathroom on it, just throw it in the washer with some scent free laudry detergent, and some vinegar.

Try it out, as this is most likely your best option right now. Then if this doesnt work for you, try some wood shavings, but you should exhaust all your other options first, for the sake of your son.

Hope this helps :)

Hi Emily
Thanks, I think I'll give it a go - I think fleece sounds like a lovely comfy bed/toilet! and I guess as its washable its good for the environment too :thumbsup:

Thanks, Natalie x
Hi Emily
Thanks, I think I'll give it a go - I think fleece sounds like a lovely comfy bed/toilet! and I guess as its washable its good for the environment too :thumbsup:

Thanks, Natalie x

Awesome! Let me know how it goes!! Just make sure all the threads are hidden :)