Litter pan placement

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Super chin!
Jan 29, 2009
So for the most part I hang out on the chinchilla side of the forum but I'm becoming more and more interested in a pet hedgehog.
I am reading alot about hedgehogs but I seem to have a question that has me completely stumped.
Why do most owners seem to put the litter pan in front of the wheel, or if they have a big enough pan they set the wheel IN the pan.
I just can't seem to figure it out...:hmm:
It makes for easier clean up. The pan will catch any wayward poop or draining pee, and it makes it easier to keep the cage clean. In my hedgehog's cages, their wheels are set inside their litter pans. They make a point of going to their litter box to do their business and it's very rare that I find any poop outside the pan. I find dirty foot prints, but that's about it. On numerous occasions, I've seen Cuda step out of his bed, walk across his cage to the litter box, do his business and then walk back to his bed.
What Courtney said.

I also try to keep the things belonging to the "new" food category (kibbles, mealies, & water) on the opposite side of the cage from things belonging to the "used" food category (wheel & litter box).
Hedgehogs love to poo and pee while they are wheeling as well, so having the litter box there to catch any "flying poo" is a good, if not necessary, trick.
It makes for easier clean up. The pan will catch any wayward poop or draining pee, and it makes it easier to keep the cage clean. In my hedgehog's cages, their wheels are set inside their litter pans. They make a point of going to their litter box to do their business and it's very rare that I find any poop outside the pan. I find dirty foot prints, but that's about it. On numerous occasions, I've seen Cuda step out of his bed, walk across his cage to the litter box, do his business and then walk back to his bed.

They are right. Maserati never used her litter box when it was in the corner of her cage, but started using it once I moved it under her wheel. I think it makes it easier for the hedgies or something. Plus, it just makes clean-up earlier all around. :thumbsup:
My boy is NOT litter trained and probably never will be!! haha. but, I do have a litter pan under his wheel because he LOVES to pee/poop while he's running and it helps keep the liners a bit cleaner. doesn't stop poop and pee from being other places, too, though!
Ah okay, i should have known it has something to do with the icky "stuff" lol
Thanks for all the input everyone!