Looking for a little bit of advice please... Recently adopted two gorgeous ToV Chins (both supposed to be male...you know whats coming :banghead
They wouldn't have anyone near them without getting very aggressive when we got them so I had to trust what I had been told, now it seems like we have one male & one female...
I also have two male chins that we've had for 1.5 years in the same room.
I know spaying isn't too common with chins, but if we had her fixed, would all the chins ( 3x male 1x female) all be ok living in the same room (2 separate cages)
Any help greatly appreciated.
Looking for a little bit of advice please... Recently adopted two gorgeous ToV Chins (both supposed to be male...you know whats coming :banghead
They wouldn't have anyone near them without getting very aggressive when we got them so I had to trust what I had been told, now it seems like we have one male & one female...
I also have two male chins that we've had for 1.5 years in the same room.
I know spaying isn't too common with chins, but if we had her fixed, would all the chins ( 3x male 1x female) all be ok living in the same room (2 separate cages)
Any help greatly appreciated.