RAF Chins
Okay, I know a LOT about chin genetics...and I don't generally dabble in things that I'm not 100% sure of...but I wanted to throw this out there. As a disclaimer, this thread is in no way shape or form an excuse to breed for the sake of breeding, to breed poor quality animals, to breed carelessly, or to breed without good sound knowledge on the subject of breeding.
That said, for the 8yrs I've been in the "business" of chinchillas I STILL have no sound understanding of lethals. I get which phenotypes/genotypes they occur in, I do really...this is more a question of "when did the old timers discover this" "how was it proven" "are we sure it exists" "in two perfectly healthy, quality chinchillas, is it detrimental to their health or that of their offspring" That type of thing. Obviously I have no intent of pairing said lethal combos...as I breed darn near everything that isn't gray back to a gray...but it's been too many years since I read Alice Kline and the like and my knowledge on lethals has gotten a bit fuzzy anyone better versed on the matter care to chime in?
That said, for the 8yrs I've been in the "business" of chinchillas I STILL have no sound understanding of lethals. I get which phenotypes/genotypes they occur in, I do really...this is more a question of "when did the old timers discover this" "how was it proven" "are we sure it exists" "in two perfectly healthy, quality chinchillas, is it detrimental to their health or that of their offspring" That type of thing. Obviously I have no intent of pairing said lethal combos...as I breed darn near everything that isn't gray back to a gray...but it's been too many years since I read Alice Kline and the like and my knowledge on lethals has gotten a bit fuzzy anyone better versed on the matter care to chime in?