Let me out!!!

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Feb 4, 2009
I had to put The Prince (notice the capitals) in his carrier for all of...get this, I am SUPER cruel...FIVE minutes!!! I hear all this racket while I'm cleaning the playpen and I go over and look and this is what I found. I am a mean evil mommy for not letting him play 24/7!!! I think the carrier is getting too small for him, but we're fixing that on Saturday! He gets a one level super pet cage thing for "his" cage...such a big boy!

"I want out!"


*crying now...*

"I have cute teeth!!! Don't you want to let me out now???"

"You're a stinky ole meanie pants!!!" *glares*
OMG poor Jimmy! I think we should all go and rescue him! And then smooch, smooch, smooch and smooch him some more!
5 minutes is WAY too long! Tyson is supposed to be watching him while you clean. You are a mean mommy. He's got a killer stink eye! Cute little orange teeth he has.
I can not resist the power of Jimmys cuteness!
He would be in charge of my house so quick.
Aw, that first pic is crying out for nose kisses. What a little Prince. I hope he weathered his 5 minute jail sentence ok! ;)
How could you be so cruel, Tab? :laughitup:

Poor Prince Jimmy :heart:
AWWW, that's my baby!!! :hearts:

He is doomed to spend his life being spoiled and breaking hearts all over the place!!!

I'm thinking that with a little creative cooling I might be able to keep him in a chinnie bonding pouch and take him EVERYWHERE!!!