Lemon Spray

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Jul 5, 2009
I know the smell of citrus deters many small rodents, so would it be alright to use a lemon juice spray (just pure lemon) on some things in the house (not the cage) you don't want your chinchilla to chew on?
There is a spray called bitter apple that is sold for this purpose. I would just feel more safe eliminating access to those things myself but I guess it depends on what they are...I don't know about the lemon juice specifically.
I agree with Jean Marie, I would block off/remove what you don't want them to chew. Not sure specifically about the lemon spray.

I think a playpen is an excellent investment. I put stuff in there that they can chew and they can't get at anything bad for them. My chins are supervised whether they are in the bedroom running around or in their playpen.
OK...here's the deal. NOTHING you can buy will keep the chins from chewing on something that they really want to chew on. The bitter apple is just extra seasoning, the Fooey you will get more irritation from it than the chins and everything else doesn't work. I'm not sure about the lemon, but knowing my chins like I do I think they'd chew anyway.

A playpen is a good idea, add extra boxes and toys and things to try to distract the chins! :D
LOL! Sounds like you speak from experience! :) I guess I got lucky in that Herby does not chew on things other than her chew toys! But now I know not to spend money on any of those things should she start!