Leaving our baby alone :(

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Nov 26, 2013
So my husband and I and in a bit of a tough position. We are going out of town while he is on leave for Christmas. We leave the evening of the 19th and will be back the evening of the 30th. A friend of ours will be staying in our apartment to watch him but he leaves on the 26th and there isn't anywhere to board him. We are planning to buy a second water bottle and a second food dish for him so he has plenty of food and water. Would he be alright for a few days? Or are there extra precautions we should take?I also read another owner's comment on a similar thread saying that she usually moves her chins to smaller cages when she is away. We still have his smaller starter cage should we move him to that?
Do you have someone who could come by and at least check on him? Personally, I wouldn't leave my chin alone, so I'm not sure what would be the best way to do that.
I would check with a local veterinarian and see if they know someone who could come and check on him, maybe on the 28th, just to be sure he's okay, so he doesn't spend too long without being checked on!
We left our boys alone for four days with a friend just peeking in once a day to make sure they had hay and water. I felt better having our friend check in, even if it just was once a day.
If you could, I would definitely try to get someone to check up on him at least once while you're away for those few days, but honestly, I think he would probably be alright on his own provides you gave him extra food and water like you said you would.

My chin goes through a lot of food and water, but even then I don't have to refill either of her water bottles or (usually) food dish for at least a couple days. If it were me though, I would put yet another bowl of food in there because mine likes to throw around her food and won't eat it once it's out of the dish. Not every chin is like that, but to make mine more comfortable in a situation like that, I'd probably pop an extra dish in.
I honestly think 4 days is too long for a chin to be alone without anyone checking. I would try to find someone to check in once a day, and leave plenty of food and water. Buy the extra water bottle and feed dish. I would think that someone checking once a day would be enough, just to make sure everything is okay.
Chins who are bored get into all kinds of trouble, it would be no problem for the chin to toss two water bottles and flip the food bowls and pee in them, get into some kind of physical trouble or bloat for no reason, 4 days is to long to be home alone.