okay. my louie was born on march 5th. he is in his first adult quilling or last baby quilling. not really sure what to call it. the one that ive heard is the most painfull. well im leaving for a week. tonight. i held him for about an hour today. but is the fact that im leaving a good thing because he's realllyyyy grumpy right now and handling him hurts him so much because of how tender his back his. or is a bad thing because i wont be there for him for a week during his quilling. when i say he's grouchy. i mean grouchhyyyyyy. its clear his back is very painfull right now. so is it almost a good thing for me to leave him be for a week or so? i already have arangments for him to get fed. my grandma is going to feed and water him. but shes my grandma. so shes scared of him because of his quills. she wants to handle him sometimes but shes so scared i think it woul do more harm then good right now. dont need even more distress on top of the distress from quilling