Leave it to me..allergic to Blue Cloud

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Chinchilla slave
Apr 20, 2009
Rochester, NY
Recently I bought Trixie her first jar of Blue Cloud dust, based on advice gotten here. Within a few days of her first using it, I noticed some sort of rash on my arm...the one she usually sits on during play time, and the one I carry her on when going back to her cage.
The only thing different I am using, or doing, is her dust. A friend is a nurse, and she thinks I am allergic. I do not plan on discontinuing Blue Cloud, as she loves it, and you all say it is so mych better than Kay Tee. So, I guess I just keep my arms covered.
I was using KayTee. We are just assuming it is the Blue Cloud, as I have not changed anything else in my life...no new laundry soap or body soap.
If you bought the Blue Cloud at a Petsmart, I think another thread mentioned you can still take it back to the store. Blue Sparkle is also recommended by a lot of people on this site and quite a few sell it as well. Maybe contact someone and buy a small amount of the sparkle and see how that does for you before you buy a lot more. I know some will sell it by the pound cheaply. :thumbsup:
Good idea. Since I do not want to change dust, I will live. I will just wear long sleeves, and wash my hands and arms well after her bath time.
Have you tried giving her dust bath in the tub? A lot of people allow their chins to dust in a bath tub by sprinkling dust in the bottom of the tub so that they can rinse the dust away easily and it's not all over their house or cage. That way you're less exposed to it.
Thanks for the ideas. Took me a while to find the blue cloud.not sure if any place around here sells the blue sparkle. Will just figure out a way to make it less of a problem for me. I like the tub idea.
I'm wondering if they do something different to the Blue Cloud that comes in the jar. People in the thread announcing that it was now available at PetSmart said that it had a strange smell. I'd return the jar to Petsmart and either go back to the Kaytee, it's not the best dust but it's not the worst either.
maybe next time order the blue cloud or the blue sparkle from one of the vendors here. maybe it will make a differnece and your chinnie can still enjoy dusting!
I'm wondering if they do something different to the Blue Cloud that comes in the jar. People in the thread announcing that it was now available at PetSmart said that it had a strange smell.

That would just be criminal! That's it. I'm ordering everything for the chin online.
I have issues with the dust even from a vendor on here. It is probably that the dust is finer so it gets in the pores easier. After you mentioned this I went back in my timeline and I think that my reactions started soon after I got the Blue Cloud.
I too had a reaction to the Blue Cloud dust from PetSmart, I was very bummed because my babies NEVER looked better. I took it back and they returned my money without question. I usually use bulk dust my local pet store uses I have asked what it is but right now I cant remember, it isnt Kaytee though that I know.
I went to Petsmart yesterday to check out the jars of Blue Cloud. I opened them up and didn't have to get too close before I noticed the stench. The bulk stuff does not have that chemical smell. It's kind of reminds me of formaldehyde. :vomit:

To Marie. Return that dust, I can't imagine a chin breathing that.