lava ledge

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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2010
So i invested in a lava ledge to accompany all the pine shelving in the cage...within two days he's gnawed a massive chunk out of long do your chins last with this product or something similar? I've bought another as he clearly needed to use it, but wow...i'm just intrigued how others' chins go on with them!
My chins LOVE the lava items. For me it depends on the chin when it comes to how long a ledge will last. Some a week, some a month, some like 3 hours. :p
Mine loves hers. Her first one lasted a month. The second one lasted two weeks. She's still working on her third.
My chinchillas absolutely love them! I actually like getting the lava swings more because it's fun to watch them swing on it (while it's still intact of course.. lol). The first one lasted maybe two weeks, and then from there they keep disappearing quicker and quicker.
I won't buy any lava ledges/dots/swings because it's just not worth the money for how fast they chomp on them! The lava bites are okay, for some reason the triangle shape lasts much longer with my girls.
Mine love anything lava! I buy the big ledges and the medium size ledges and within a few weeks they are gone! I have one chin that loves the triangles and youre right Crysta, they are toast in their little paws!
If they like it I buy it. Fuzzy is HARD on his lava landings, and well anything Lava but the others just chew on it intermitantly. So most of them last months ( the landing and ledge ones).

I add the triangle ones to toys, and they last a few weeks in most of the cages too.
oh man..those lava triangles! i have to cut them into smaller pieces or else gizmo will have it devoured within 5 minutes.

i really wanna get a lava ledge, i think not being able to hold it will make gizmo take his time on it...who knows. lol

but one thing that cracks me up about him is that after chewing it, he'll roll around on it. i take it as a hint that he wants a bath lol
My chins LOVE the lava items. For me it depends on the chin when it comes to how long a ledge will last. Some a week, some a month, some like 3 hours.


I buy the ones that come two thinner ledges to a pack, sorta like a perch.
oh man..those lava triangles! i have to cut them into smaller pieces or else gizmo will have it devoured within 5 minutes.

i really wanna get a lava ledge, i think not being able to hold it will make gizmo take his time on it...who knows. lol

but one thing that cracks me up about him is that after chewing it, he'll roll around on it. i take it as a hint that he wants a bath lol

Shelly does the same thing. She'll even roll in her lava dust after taking a bath. Shell and Giz need to go on a date.
I found them at petco. My feed also has them. Try looking online too.
For awhile here, only Petco had them, but now Petsmart has them in as well (and they're cheaper there!).

For mine, most of my cages have 3+ chins in them, the lava ledges last... oh... a day? tops 3-4 days for the slower chewer's cages...
my chins both absolutely love em, petco, petsmart, and petfood express have the triangles but only the feed store have the ledges. But yeah both love to roll in the dust from them!
Mine aren't *that* into them. They chew them yes, but not so bad they can't be used. They just prefer them for a perch I think. :D The one in their cage now has been for 4 months.
yeah mine rolls on his where he's chewed, it looks funny as it looks like I have bitten a chunk out of it-like a cartoon human teeth bite out of it! Wow, chins love it then, great investment, well i say that i i have a feeling it wont last too much longer. Funny thing is though he sits on his ledge while chewing day its just gonna go, good job its low down!

I didn't know they did other stuff, chinny items over here are very few and far between and not necessarily to a 'proper' chin-owner's standards (as i encountered when buying stuff only to hear you guys go noooo) but i got the ledge from our petsmart/pets at home, but the ledge is literally all they'll do. I'll deffo get looking online for other products if they all love it that much!

And greychins- wow a day!?

When i saw my boy gnaw straight into his i was paranoid i hadn't provided enough chew-amusement for him for how quickly he went through it! Does everyones rub all over it when its new like ''ohhh yeahhh its miiine''? Starrkey does that then bounces around the cage several times learnig how to encorporate it into his regular bouncing!
And greychins- wow a day!?

Well, with three chins... Actually, that's nothing. At one point I had a cage of 2 rescue chins who were like little beavers! I mean my other chins chew, but those guys would devour everything, not just the bark like some of my stinkers... haha.
I recieved one [4 x 6 x 2] as a 'present' from customer service at Petco, for a suggestion I made to their water bottles.
Hung it in my violet-wrap trio's cage, and it was gone 10 days later!
They must be flavored, as they also have the 2 x 2 x 2 lava blocks, 1 for each, that last about 2 months, usually.