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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
So many of you know I have been dealing with Malo & my little Richie. I took him to my vet yesteday because he has been drooling a lot more plus I noticed while handfeeding him that his one tooth on the bottom looked like it had a spur.

Just as a side note: my vet is no longer with the place she was, she is currently working for Banfield which is located inside petsmart. She came to the petsmart yesterday where she was doing relief work on her own time to help me with Richie. she didnt even get paid for her time. I thought that was just amazing. and she has followed up with me personally on his care. the appointment she did find some spurs on the bottom and she clipped his teeth as well since they arent wearing down because he is handfed. she did notice an abrasion in his mouth most likely caused by the spur, so she put him back on the pink stuff (sulfa??)
She also said his weight is good, is eyes look bright and he looks pretty healthy.
We are continuing with the Tramadol 2x a day, metacam 1x a day & now the pink stuff 2 x a day. She said that he can be on these three meds somewhat long term with the antibiotic going on initially for 2 weeks then off for 2 and and then we can maybe just put him on them 1 week per month to stave on any infections caused by tooth over growth. also he will require at least 2 - 3 times per year a vet visit with teeth filing/trimming.

Her prognosis was good. At least better than I thought as I considered putting him down last week as for a day or so he seemed miserable. And then other days he was being almost him self.

So thank you to all those who have given me advice, suggesstions, good vibes, and all that.
Special thanks goes out to Chantel who I know is recovering herself but helped me find a good long term pain medication that will help Richie deal with his malo.
I wish he could be with me forever but at least I can make his time comfortable. I am also hoping that he will try & eat some pellets so I can back off on the handfeeding!
Sounds like thing are going as well as can be expected - good luck with your little guy!