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Jul 29, 2009
Southeast Texas!
I have a pink white male, who has some mild fur chewing every now and then but lately it's getting a lil' worse.

Well last night he was really getting into it so I held him firmly and brushed his fur all out. I mean he did not enjoy it one bit, but his fur all together looked a lot better and I could tell he felt better because when I put him back into his cage he did his little pop corn dance and then tried to mount his cage mate.

Also I've been keeping individual things of sand in the freezer(air tight) so when he takes his bath it's cool and re freshing.

I just feel bad, and I guess my real question would be this; Is their any way I can make this more enjoyable, because he's happy afterwards but is p/o at me. :banghead:

Do you mean make combing him out easier? No, probably not, most chins don't really enjoyed being combed out. But the more you do it, he'll get more used to it.

And what do you mean by sand? Chins should be bathed in dust, sand is too coarse on their fur and tends to break the fur..
Shawn they don't much like getting combed! Just like little girls hate getting their tangles and snarls out LOL! He will get more used to if you do it often though.