Large Poo?

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
I have seen a thread on small poo and threads on different kinds of poo but I was wondering about large poo.
My chins poo is very large this morning. like double or triple the size. and normally poo just drops out during playtime but today it seems like he is pausing to poop.
am i just obcessed with poo? Also has been urinating much more frequently.
The two changes to his diet that i have recently made is that I started mixing a small amount of PANR to his Mazuri (about 1/2 TB) and I got a different brand of Timothy Hay. I have been using them both for about a week but today was the first time with the big poo.
Any thoughts??
well, aside from the size differences between day (smaller) and night (bigger), I had a chin that was having intestinal and a bit of malo, simultaneously losing weight. she was eating so much food (pellets and hay) because she was not getting the nutrition she needed from her feed as she was not able to grind it well enough. so her poops were ginormous. I suspect though with yours since you are doing a feed change that its intestines are sensitive and adjusting. watch the weight, if is drops drastically, take it to a vet. are you feeding acidophilus regularly?
It's probably the change in feed causing it. Another thing to watch for is diarrhea. If the poo becomes runny, you might want to have the vet check him.
If I were to speculate, I'd guess it is probably because of the change in diet. PANR is higher in fiber than Mazuri (PANR: max: 20.4%, Mazuri max fiber: 18.0%) and PANR also isn't as high in protein as Mazuri (PANR protein >16.0% and Mazuri protein >20.0%). Make sure he has plenty of timothy hay at all times and you can supplement with acidophilus to help out his intestinal flora deal with the diet change.
I agree with Sumiko. My chin's poos got larger when I switched from Mazuri to PANR. Also, any change in diet can change poo consistency, size, and shape. I wouldn't worry, give it a few weeks to adjust, and add some probiotics to the food just to be safe.
I am making an appointment for the vet tomorrow. He has just not been acting himself and with all the things I read here I think he may have something wrong with his teeth.
He has been pawing his mouth and there is a little moisture under his mouth. He is eating his pellets and every night I give him some type of treat mix (either 1/2 tsp of this oat & herb mix i bought or a shreddie or a rosehip). During playtime he is hopping around and doing his cute thing so I am hoping that he just has something stuck in there but I usually fear the worst. I am so upset over this I can hardly eat myself. Hopefully they can get me in tomorrow. Keep your thoughts with little Richie. He is my first chin & I have had him for over 3 years. My other boy seems fine, I feel bad that I havent been giving him much attention, so extra love for him tonight!