Kitty Abscess Help

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Loving Pet Owner
Aug 29, 2010
San Diego, CA
After being on the lam for 24 hours, my adult cat returned home with a cut and abscess on his cheek. I soaked it in Epsom Salt and squeezed a bit of the puss out. It doesn't seem to be infectious and is more white in color with no noticeable smell. The cut is sort of a small Y shaped one possibly from a barbed wire, or perhaps animal bite.

He's eating and drinking fine. The area seems to be sore, but he allows me to soak it and squeeze it a bit.

I'm wondering what home remedies any of you might have. If it appears worse by tomorrow, I will visit the vet but would like to provide some care today and don't really deem this as a necessary emergency visit situation, although I'm keeping an eye on it.

I also washed the area with a little bit of antibacterial soap before I applied the Epsom Salt compress.

PS: He is a indoor/outdoor cat with only an occasional overnight outing. He doesn't usually stay away for as long as this time.
I would not use hand soap on a wound of any kind.

We always used diluted betadine/iodine and gauze pads to scrub the wound and the fur needs clipped around the area to see how bad the wound really is and to prevent the fur from sticking in the wound and causing the infection to get worse.
Handbag can heal him :nod:

That's too bad Annie.
Quote "I also washed the area with a little bit of antibacterial soap"
My surgeon instructed me to wash my wound with Dial antibacterial soap, so I guess it's OK. That is a bad area for a wound. It takes 5 days for infection to fully set in so I bet he's gonna need vet care and meds. Monday will be fine
I cleaned it up a bit more and here it is...although I'm spreading it open a bit. I also just noticed it matches the wound on my index finger where I cut myself with scissors the other night.

Ha ha on Handbag healing him...tee hee.

Will he let you look in his mouth? Could he possibly have an oral abscess that is spreading out to his cheek? Is he intact? Possible cat bite abscess from a fight.

I agree with Tabitha. Clip the area so the fur does not stick and rinse it with diluted betadine, just don't get any in his mouth. He needs to get to a vet though and get on some antibiotics and to have it flushed.
That looks like a bite wound from another cat. I've treated some of those at home, but when they are around the face, they can get bad REALLY fast. Clipping, flushing and oral antibiotics from a vet office would be a good option for him. Especially the clipping to see if there is another wound and find it before it becomes an abscess. I've learned over the years, where there is one tooth shaped hole, you will find a second one 90% of the time.

My mom's cat likes to get in fights with neighborhood cats and I've spent many a day cleaning and clipping his wounds. If we suspect it's a wound from another cat he gets oral antibiotics.
Thank you everyone for your kind words and advice. My neighbor found Danish's quick release collar on their fence so I suspect it was a puncture from that, rather than another animal.

He's doing great. Such a pleasant fellah when I clean the wound. Purrs up a storm and just sits there. Honestly, I could not sit there while someone pushed on my wound like that. lol

It looks remarkably better than the other day. Clipped the hair, washed it out and applied a wee bit of triple antibiotic cream (my vet recommended and the puncture is not where he can lick it off, nor does he use his paws to do so.)

Worst part of this whole affair is keeping him inside. He is beside himself with whining. He'll either throw himself on the floor in a fit of frustration or attacking Mudslide the dog. lol.

If you want to see Mudslide and Danish in action, you can check out his video. It's pretty funny and pretty typical of my mornings while I'm getting ready for work.

Why I just Can-Not imagine how Danish got a Mudslide fang shaped hole on his face after watching that video. And I'm sure the sight of the cats missing eye (on the same side as the abscess) on that last shot was photo shopped. :cry4:
I am just joking in case you can't tell
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:cry3: :cry3: :cry3: :cry3:

You're so mean! Danish has two very nice eyes! :hug2:

He's crying right now for your love.