Kit questions

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New member
Jul 5, 2011
Platteville, WI

My boyfriend I just bought our new baby boy, Scooter, a little over a week ago. He is only a few months old. I was just curious, I was reading the debate section and I ran across the debate on kits vs. adults buying. Some people mentioned "the terrible two's." At what age does this occur and I don't mind much about behavior issues I was just wondering the age progression vs. attitude/ behavior changes.
For me this stage is from about five or six months (sometimes younger) to maybe around a year of age. Females will grow out of it more quickly and usually are calm and not so bratty maybe at eight or nine months. But, Males....they will be terrible until they are a year of age or maybe more sometimes.

Then again, some chins are just a joy and never have an issue with being terrible. At around a year of age most chins calm down and aren't quite as bouncy.
iv had 3 kits. 1 male followed by two females. My male is 9 months old now. And honestly, so far i havnt had any attidue issues or anything of the sort with him. My two femlaes however, around 5 months old so far, deff have a slight attitude with em (from the start lol) But nothing bad or anything. Maybe im jsut lucky with mine.
Yeah, Scooter doesn't have a bad attitude. He just gets annoyed easily and tries to get into trouble and looks at you like he didn't do it. He also likes to turn away and not look at you when he is mad at you, but he'll look back and glare. It is just funny.
For me this stage is from about five or six months (sometimes younger) to maybe around a year of age. Females will grow out of it more quickly and usually are calm and not so bratty maybe at eight or nine months. But, Males....they will be terrible until they are a year of age or maybe more sometimes.

Then again, some chins are just a joy and never have an issue with being terrible. At around a year of age most chins calm down and aren't quite as bouncy.

Wow, this is so true for me! Sappho--who's now about 8 months--has really mellowed out. For the first three months I had her she would kack (bark) at me for every little thing, and did not like being petted. Now, she rarely barks, I can pet her face, her head, and she seems to really enjoy it. I have noticed the biggest change in her attitude the past month or so.

Lao Tsu is about 7 months and has never been a brat about being petted, or barked at me much. But lately he's jumping all over the cage when I try to pet him. I'm curious to see how he'll be in a few months. :)