Kimchi urinated on the bed! What's going on?

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They're like little pellet converters--brown pellets go in one end, black ones come out the other! Like the others have been saying, they WILL poop all over, although I've noticed that my chin tends to hold it in when he's in an unfamiliar place for the first time, although when he's acclimated he just lets fly.

I also pick up after my guy with bare hands after his playtime, just wash your hands afterwards and you'll be fine.
If you put her back in the cage as soon as she starts to wiggle, you are teaching her that wiggling will make you put her down and she will just become more squirmy as time goes on. Hold her until she calms down and stays calm for a short period and then put her back. This will teach her to be calm. You can slowly lengthen the time. You do need to have a balance between teaching her to be still and giving her the opportunity to urinate in her cage.
I've been peed on twice during playtime. As for poop, the girls poop when they want, where they want.
What Cuddlebug says is very true, they are very smart. If she struggles hold her longer until she is still for at least a little bit, otherwise she will learn bad habits. Same if she ever bites, don't withdrawal or she will learn it works.

As for pee training success also depends on the chin, some dont care others are picky about were/what they pee on. Mine do a peepee dance when they are out, if I ignore it I have a puddle to clean. It takes time to tell the difference in normal play and their cues when they are looking for a place to pee. If you have litter pans you can put one out for play time too. Most won't pee on you, unless its on purpose haha.

Careful about leaving her solo, she will get brave enough to jump down eventually and they can be a pain to get out from under a bed, esp when they aren't fully tame yet! =P

Have fun with your new chinny.
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