Keebler elf cookies

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Jan 31, 2009
Holbrook, MA
So, for the longest time (since they started writing things on the back of the elf cookies) I thought it said, "Elvis Exists" and I remember quite vividly being laughed at because I was reading my cookies and said, "Elvis Exists." I thought they were laughing because it was a ridiculous thing to put on a cookie..

So for some reason today I was thinking about that and it hit me, "It DOESN'T say 'Elvis Exists'!" So, I found the appropriate cookie and sure enough, it says, "ELVES EXIST" All these years... All the taunting and it NOW dawns on me...

Talk about slow to catch on to the joke...
That would be a really weird thing to put on a cookie LMBO. Even sillier though are the people that didn't correct you (just trying to make you feel a little less silly...) :thumbsup:.
Haha, I've done something like that before. My friend made a joke about me and 2 days later it finally clicked in my head lol
Thankfully, Keebler discontinued their chocolate chip "Magic Middles" as I was addicted to them! Honestly - I'd buy the local grocery out of them, and even hide them at home! Even found their little saying back then!
If it makes you feel any better, I didn't even know they had anything written on them. I'm too busy chowing down to notice!
HAHAHA too funny. We have an indian resturant here and I thought it was called the armpit palace. I went on and on about how the name was gross and I would never eat there and went on about the name to everyone I knew and of course when I read it hubby laughed and Said "haha the armpit palace haha" well a year later it clicked it and the resturant is called the armRit palace needless to say I felt really dumb for a while lol and everyone had to laugh at me but not correct me lol.
Oh! That reminds me of a work story :p We were talking about where to go for after work beers and this guy kept saying 'flashers' and I kept saying I didn't like the name of it. And some guy pretended to flash me and I was like yea, ew! So, we're talking about it again a couple weeks later and I go, "I still don't like the name flashers." And someone was like, it's not "Flashers, it's FLASHES" and I was like "oooh... Well, why didn't someone TELL me it wasn't FLASHERS!!"