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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2012
Texas, USA
I see a bunch of members refer to their Chins "kaking" but what exactly is it? I got my chin last month but I don't think she's ever done this.
Gizmo is the only one of my girls that kack and she only does it if you touch her butt or you try try pick her up when she's not ready.
To me, when my chin kacks it literally sounds like, "Kak, kak!" It's like a short bark or click. She usually moves her head when she does it....like if I'm not petting her in the right spot--:wacko:--she turns her head at me at the exact moment she kacks. It's visible irritation, :D I think there's YouTube videos of peoples' chins doing it....that might help you.
Yeah, Vincenza kaks if she's not happy with something we do. Like trying to touch her when she has a treat, when she's in heat trying to pick her up at all (!!)
Sid kacks daily if I happen to scratch him in the wrong place or touch him while his back is turned, it kinda sounds like a quick and loud 'MAH!' and his whole body jumps. He is back two seconds later demanding attention though, what a diva chin.
Try Googling chinchilla noises or look on YouTube. Chins make a variety of noises which are interesting to hear, especially of you haven't heard them yourself.
To me, when my chin kacks it literally sounds like, "Kak, kak!" It's like a short bark or click. She usually moves her head when she does it....like if I'm not petting her in the right spot--:wacko:--she turns her head at me at the exact moment she kacks. It's visible irritation, :D I think there's YouTube videos of peoples' chins doing it....that might help you.

Yep, Eleanor has done that. I just didn't know the name of it.
Yep, Eleanor has done that. I just didn't know the name of it.

I don't know how old your chin is--and all chins are different--but my chin did that a lot more when she was a baby (under a year old). It took very little to get her going. But now, it takes quite a bit to get her to do it at all!