Justin Bieber wacko's er I mean fans . . .

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I heart Leonard
Jan 30, 2009
Racine, WI
Look for Justin to star in the season premiere of CSI on September 23rd.

According to CBS officials, he's a phenomenom like CSI and they love having him. He will be a yes you guessed it--troubled youth! He will be on further episodes as well.
How can this prepubescent looking girlie boy possibly be mistaken for a "troubled youth?" They would be better off having him star as himself.
ewwww. I loved CSI when Grissom was on it. Now I'm glad I don't watch it. I can't stand Just Bieber. What does a 16 year old know about love? Not much, so he shouldn't be singing about it.
I want to give that little girl a hair cut. Oh wait! I thought JB was a girl.
How can this prepubescent looking girlie boy possibly be mistaken for a "troubled youth?" They would be better off having him star as himself.

thought the same thing!!

I loved CSI when Grissom was on it.
can't stand Just Bieber. What does a 16 year old know about love? Not much, so he shouldn't be singing about it.

Me Too!!!!!!

Does he get murdered in it?!?!

one can only hope!
I just report 'em as I see 'em folks LOL! Taylor Swift was one year I recall, that was a very good episode! We'll just have to see what happens--it doesn't sound as if he's murdered though, there is some trouble with his brother that leads to his involvement.

I still watch CSI but miss Grissolm and Warrick. I absolutely can't stand Sara and she's freaking coming back for another year! How do you quit then start right back up where you were before the next year? UG!
I am REALLY glad I quit watching after Grissom left and they killed Warrick off. I can not stand Sara either! How may people in the real world could have as many problems as she does and still be able to come back as many times as she has and still do her job?
I got enough of that dang song that JB sings at my sons field day for school. You know that Baby, Baby one? I would have to gouge my eyes out to make it through one episode of CSI with him on there!

And do not get me started on Taylor Swift! Like Alli713 said, how could someone so young know about love, even if she is 19. You have to have had a life before it can kick you in the throat! ;)
Some friends of my daughter drove to Stratford, saw his mom at a "Tim Horton's", followed her home, knocked on the door, and just started talking to him. Pics on face book to prove it. They're only 14, so clearly a parent had to do the driving. Is it just me, or is that not creepy stalkerish? Yes, stalkerish is an actual word, don't care what spell check says.lol.
That is beyond creepy stalkerish. Would their mom have driven them to some random guys house so they could stalk him? Or do they reserve this for celebrities? And wow, I can't believe they would be that trashy as to invade his privacy like that. No wonder celebrities live in gated communites.
Justin's fans are a bit extreme--Kim Kardashian received several death threats from Bieber fans when they hung out together for something--I mean come on people do you honestly think Kim, built like a freaking brick house, is going to "do it" with tiny, dweeby Justin Bieber? That was just ridiculous to me. And I want to go on the record now saying I'm sure in a couple of years Bieber's mom is going to be the next Dina Lohan