Just made my Day/Night

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Tasty Human
Sep 22, 2010
So I feel like lately I'm going through a stuff and I find myself seeking into a slight depression. I go to close the windows, and visit with the chinnies, at which point Flynn hops right onto my arm and runs the length of it and back into his tunnel. If I held out a hand, he would climb onto that and run up that arm to the one bent at my stomach and back onto either his tunnel or ledge. I so wish I caught pictures. He did this for a good 5 minutes, looking me in the face or exploring his open cage door. I'm sure he felt like freedom was at last within his paws, but it just made my night, made me feel a little better. And earlier! I was so excited about this, I caught Quill in the Hammock after I had tightened it so that it didn't sag as much, I couldn't get a picture as he noticed I was advancing for a Kodak, but it made me feel happy that somechin is at least using their hammock.

Anyway, I had to share with someone :)
HAHAHAH omg, Chinny, I have found myself trying to find a "like" button on the forum, at which point I have to smack myself in the head when I remember that this isn't facebook.

but I do agree, it just brightened my day.
How funny, the first time I read this I was thinking "Like" too. Ug....it's easy to get depressed with the lack of sunlight and just over 12 hours of darkness here.
haha i'm pretty sure they should put a "like" button on here!. i've done that numerous times trying to look for it. but then realize that facebook is on the next tab of my computer not on this one. lol
He did it again this morning!! It was so cute! I went to fill their food bowl and he climbs up my arm to my shoulder and made some sort of protesting noise I believe when I moved him off, I didn't want him to hop down and scamper away from me. But he made it very difficult to fill the bowl as he kept climbing onto my arms, it was amazing. Totally worth the 15 minutes to fill his bowl hahah.

@ Addicted: 12 hours without light?!? I had to check if you were in Alaska! Why are you without light?!?
What a cute routine he's started! Yeah, sun up at 6:52 am, sun down at 6:15 pm, high of 47 degrees today. Blech, I am trying to move to the Oregon coast.
Agreed, it makes me very happy.

that sucks! I could see why you don't like it.
Akunaferret I just noticed you're from where my favorite band is from!! I'd love to visit that area someday !