Just lost my Chin

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Sep 28, 2013
I've never registered on a Chin forum before, so hello.
I had to have my 20 year old Chin put to sleep last Monday and I miss him terribly. I had him for literally half my life. He was running in his wheel when I went to bed, and sometime that night we think he had a series of strokes. I initially thought he was dead when I found him, but then I saw him breathe and I bundled him up and rushed him to the vet. He had no control over his back legs and would just cry/bark unless I held him. I had to let him go, and I had him cremated because... well, my husband thought I was nuts, but whatever.
Someday I think I would love to have another one, but he was one of a kind.
RIP Chewbacca aka Chewy 1993-2013

This is a photo montage of him doing some of his favorite things at college with me.
Top: Better Chedders heaven (do they even make them anymore?)
Middle: Chillin in my roommates underwear drawer
Bottom: Cramming for an exam with me

I am sorry to hear of your loss! 20 years is an awesome lifespan for a pet chin so you obviously took very good care of him! You should be very proud of the fact that he lived that long and that you made such a commitment to him! All pet owners should be as lucky! Chewy was an adorable chin!
Thanks, I know it shouldn't have been but it was such a shock. I mean, we knew he was going to go someday, but we started joking that he was immortal when he hit 18. He wasn't sick a day of his life, and then he was just gone.
I miss my little buddy.
^ What she said. :) I'm so sorry you've lost your boy but I'm SO HAPPY you got to spend such a long and love-filled time with him. A lot of us, even a few years into it, know we won't have that luxury. (2 of my 3 are rescues, so the likelihood of tooth problems is high.) Welcome to the forums.
Welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear about your little one passing. Your very blessed to have your chin for that long. He had a wonderful great life. Hugs
I've been talking to a local breeder, but it's too soon to get another one. I really love these little critters though. I went into PetsMart today while my husband went into Home Depot (booooorrring) and they had a gray male for $150. Yikes. I won't say that I wasn't tempted, but I stayed strong. Lucky for me, he was sleeping and not easy to see.
My chin was from a hobby breeder which I'm sure is a reason for his longevity. I paid $100 for him (he was a beige) back in 1993.
I'm so sorry to hear of your chinnie's passing. :( 20 years is a long time, but never long enough! You'll know in your heart if the right time/chinnie comes along to help fill that void in your heart. We're happy to have you here!
I'm not sure what the protocol is here about referring breeders, but I'd like to find someone near by. I'm in Maryland - very close to D.C. and Northern VA. I saw a Chin in PetsMart today and I can't say I wasn't tempted. I know better than to get one from there, but it was a good thing he was asleep and hard to see.
I'm not sure what the protocol is here about referring breeders, but I'd like to find someone near by. I'm in Maryland - very close to D.C. and Northern VA. I saw a Chin in PetsMart today and I can't say I wasn't tempted. I know better than to get one from there, but it was a good thing he was asleep and hard to see.

Try Norwood Chins (user name is 6Dusters on here). She should be close and is a lovely, small breeder close to you.
Thanks. :)
I need to build or buy a new cage (he outlived 3 of them). The last two were a pain to keep clean. I'm so out of the loop I've never heard of Ferret Nation cages until now. They look awesome! My best cage was the one my (boyfriend, now husband) built out of Formica, but we got rid of it when we moved because it was so heavy - plus, he figured out how to chew holes in it.
Also, the felt... I don't know how this works. My chin peed wherever he wanted. He was a messy little dude in his cage. He never peed when he was out. In the picture I posted, you can see that he used to sit on my desk (and in drawers) while I was on the computer. He also liked to sleep up on the top shelf. He was allowed to do this because he never peed on my desk (or homework ^_^). In the cage however, he was a slob. I had to put splash guards everywhere because he would go all over his shelves. Felt would have been soaked in urine in no time.
Back when I got him, the internet was still young and the only source of info were a few chinchilla books. I must have muddled through ok, buy I'm so glad to have all of these wonderful resources now!
Welcome! I am so sorry for your loss!!! Chewy was a beautiful chin! He was so lucky to have such a loving and caring owner like you! You will know when the time is right to get another chin, just take your time. So happy to have you here! :)