Just got my first Chin! =)

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Serving The Lord
Nov 27, 2011

We're letting him settle in for the first day or so before we socialize him. We bought him at Petco today (Our Petco handles their animals daily, and that was the upside to buying a chin there). He's a sweetie, standard gray chin. I believe they just finished weaning him, as he's pretty tiny. Anywho, just thought I'd share a pic with you guys, and the news of my new best buddy. His official name is Levi. :)
Welcome and congratulations! Levi is adorable.

Shooper - I'm sure they said he is around 6 months old. That is the norm for petstores.
Thanks! =)

Thanks so much, guys! =)

No, they didn't say how old he was, they only told us they haven't had him for very long. He was half the size of the other one they had, and pretty frightened of the employees. Now that he's spent a night here he's adapted a bit, and loves to cuddle on my lap.
Lucky you and lucky Levi...you'll have a baby chinnie to snuggle with and socialize!!! I predict that he'll be a cuddler when he settles in.
Thanks again!

I have a few more pics of Levi from today. He's such a spoiled chin when playtime comes. He gets an hour or two each day in his playpen. That's officially his time to snuggle. =) His snuggle buddy, and fleece sets have been ordered (We weren't planning on getting him till later next month, so he has to deal with lava ledges for now!), and will be shipped any day now. I'll share pics once they arrive!



Welcome to the forum. :)) He's a cutie for sure!

Just a little note to be careful with that plastic wheel. Even if he's not chewing on it, it's really not a good size for chins who need a wheel that is at least 14". That one there is only 12" and not good for a chins back. Also, a chin can chew the rubber/foam piece that covers the screw that attaches the wheel to the bars, it then can detach and fall on top of the chin and trap it underneath. A metal wheel is recommended for chins such as the chin spin or metal saucer.
Wow im shocked he hasnt scaled the walls of that pen yet! HAHA

Good luck :p
Thanks Sandi! The wheel was sort of last minute, but I'm working on getting a new one for him. I'm watching him day and night to make sure he's being as careful as possible on it, though if you think it's best I could remove it. =)

Update- He just fell asleep (For the first time I've seen) to the radio! I'll never get over his cuteness! =)

Welcome to the forum! Levi is a little honey! I hope that you take a lot of time to read the things on this forum and learn all that you can. Just beware about what pet stores will tell you regarding chin care. They are often not up-to-date and are sometimes wrongly informed.

Glad to have you with us! :wink2: