Just gave Furby his medicine

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I love my FurBlobs.
Nov 16, 2009
Arcata, Berkeley, CA
Well I took him to the vet who said that his wheezing and such was early onset of a respiratory infection, but very early on. I gave him his medicine, I was so nervous about doing it too! But he liked it, I guess it was banana flavored. Is his behavior going to change or should it just stay normal?
Anna if you are feeding him baytril for his infection you need to make sure he is still eating, especially if you are giving this to him orally. Baytril kills their appetite. Please let us know what type of medicine he is on so we can help instruct you on his care.
The medicine is Enrofloxacin.
I am giving it to him orally, every 12 hours. He is still drinking water and eating normally and very active. I just gave it to him and he squirmed a bit and it got a tiny bit on his fur which dried and clumped up. So I took a soft eyebrow comb really, and like kinda combed the tiny chunk out.
Enrofloxacin is also known as Baytril, which is safe for chins. The only thing that I'm not sure about is the banana flavoring in it, maybe that's why he likes it. It's good that he is drinking, eating and being playful. I'm hoping someone else can tell you about whether the flavoring added to the antibiotic is ok or not.
Apparently its just so he likes it. I found out a vet who deals with chinchillas especially at this small mammal veterinary clinic. She also save me a Benebac to give him so he doesn't get an upset stomach from the Baytril. She also recommended Lifeline to me, which is supposed to increase their appetite if it goes down so I am looking out for that.
Lifeline is great to have on hand at all times as well as Critical Care. Lifeline may be able to help Furby overall as I believe in another thread you were looking for something that would help to increase his appetite.
I really would. Do you know of stores/types of stores that sell it? or will I have to go online for it? Thanks!
Dawna is the one that makes the Lifeline - http://chocolatechinchillas.com/id6.html
Menagerie, a member here sells the Critical Care, which you would use if a chin stops eating on his own. You could pm her or click on her ad on the banner at the top.

ETA: Meanie's banner is WeeCompanions
Anna, just keep a very close eye on him on baytril. My Abigail was on it orally and did fine, but some chins do stop eating which is not good. I'm glad you caught this in time--they can be beastly! Here's to a super speedy recovery for Furby!
He should be fine with the flavored Baytril. It's generally the fact that it tastes so crappy that makes them go off their feed. Adding the banana flavoring is no different than using flavored TMZ on chins. It won't hurt him. :)
Your vet should also carry critical care, especially since he sees chinchillas. I'm really surprised he didn't mention it considering with Baytril they almost always stop eating on there own eventually.

I would give him a call. You can also check on the Oxbow website and you can do a search for stores/vets around you that carries it.
Thanks! The vet said that it was very early. And she should be fine. He is eating okay, and staying hydrated and is very very active. But I'm ordering some Life Line and Critical Care just in case!

Essentia the vet did mention to watch his eating, but I don't know if they carry the Critical Care. I am calling around but I will order some if I can't find it up here. I am also getting Life Line.

Tunes, that's reassuring to hear! I would hope a vet wouldn't give a chin something that could hurt it. He takes it down well too. Which is good because he is so squirmy. If he didn't want to take it, it would be so hard to make him
Anna, just keep a very close eye on him on baytril. My Abigail was on it orally and did fine, but some chins do stop eating which is not good. I'm glad you caught this in time--they can be beastly! Here's to a super speedy recovery for Furby!

I am watching him like a hawk, as well as my other one, to make sure he isn't catching it. But I did order some Life Line just in case Furby's appetite goes down. I heard that stuff is like magic and always good to have. I'm going to get Critical Care as well for the same reason. He's already doing better, I don't hear him making any wheezing sounds anymore. And he takes his medicine without pitching much of a fight! :D