Just Bought a Four Week Old Chin!! PLEASE HELP!!

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Hi! I'm sorry this is so long, but any advice would be greatly appreciated. Last night I bought a four week old chinchilla from a woman of ofCraigslist. I know this seems crazy to buy a chinchilla this young, but she was going to sell him regardless. I bred bunnies and guinea pigs a few years back and I've had to hand raise a few litters, so I figured I might have a better chance at keeping him healthy than someone else would. She claimed that he was weaned, but I just don't believe that at four weeks he's completely independent. Right now he's the size of an adult teddy bear hamster. After doing some research I decided to try giving him some warm Gerbers mixed baby food every couple hours, which he has refused. I also have timothy hay and chinchilla pellets in his cage. I have seen him eating the pellets and drinking out of his water bottle, but I'm scared that he isn't getting all the nutrition he needs. I noticed that a lot of people in these forums use goats milk, should I give it a try? And if that doesn't work what should I do next?

Also what should I be keeping him in? I read that you're supposed to keep them in a ten gallon aquarium when hand raising them, which is what I have him in now. When he gets older I'll move him to the big cageI have.


First, no fish tanks. Buy a cage with 1/2 by 1 inch spacing. They can get out of amazingly small spaces/

Give him/her the pellets and hay. Free feed, but watch carefully. He may overeat, which could cause loose stools.

Also, give him the dry baby mix.

As an added nutritional boost, you can place the following formula that the JAGS developed in the cage with mom and the babies. Moms seem to enjoy it just as much as the kits. Be sure to provide hay, pellets, and fresh water along with this formula.

1 part calf or goat milk replacer (a dry formula-purchase at a feed store)
1 part crushed pellets
1 part 50/50 mixture of dry rice and oatmeal baby cereal

(Tip - A coffee grinder makes quick work of the pellets.)

I'd also put in a cuddle buddy for him to sleep with.
I think with a 4 week old, I would also go with the liquid formula in addition to the dry.

1 can goat's milk
1 can water
1 teaspoon baby rice cereal

Mix it up, keep a usable amount out, then pour the rest into ice cube trays, cover it and freeze them. You'll want to be sure that you only reheat each amount you use twice (I keep 2 baby food jars, one to reheat and one to use after the smaller amount has been reheated twice), and that you only keep the formula in the fridge for 48 hours. After that, dump it. Read the FAQ on kit care, that should help you a bit with what to do as far as hand feeding.


Welcome to CnH and good luck!
That can't hurt. I've had luck with just the dry mix when I've unexpectedly lost a mom, but if you can get him to take the liquid mix as well, all the better.
Ditto all that, and do NOT give baby food ( assuming you're talking about the kind in the jar ).

I'd also find another site to get information from other than the one you found that info at, this is a good one!
Wow!, I can't believe somebody would sell a 4 week old. That is just so.....well it makes me angry. I can't really add anything as you have already rec'd some good advice. Welcome to the forum.
You've been given great advice. Follow it and you should be fine. Good luck with the little one and keep us posted.
Wow did you ask why they were selling it and couldnt hold onto it for a couple more weeks? Altho a baby chin might be starting to wean from their mom they are still nursing. She probably seen him eating some hay or pellet and thought he was ready. How sad.....good luck to you
Thank you all so much for all the advice! I tried the goat milk and baby formula mixture mentioned above and he seems to love it. He's definitely put on some weight and he's a little ball of energy now!
Thats great news! Do you have a scale to weigh him?
I think we also need some pictures too. :D
Yes, I'm pretty sure I have a gram scale in my basement somewhere. About how much should he weigh? He's a little over 5 weeks old now. I posted som pictures of him too, hopefully they'll show up!


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Omg, he is SOOO cute! How could anyone say no to that little face. Good for you for taking him in like that, and it looks like he is right on track :)) or even slightly bigger keep up with the pictures as he grows...