Hi! I'm sorry this is so long, but any advice would be greatly appreciated. Last night I bought a four week old chinchilla from a woman of ofCraigslist. I know this seems crazy to buy a chinchilla this young, but she was going to sell him regardless. I bred bunnies and guinea pigs a few years back and I've had to hand raise a few litters, so I figured I might have a better chance at keeping him healthy than someone else would. She claimed that he was weaned, but I just don't believe that at four weeks he's completely independent. Right now he's the size of an adult teddy bear hamster. After doing some research I decided to try giving him some warm Gerbers mixed baby food every couple hours, which he has refused. I also have timothy hay and chinchilla pellets in his cage. I have seen him eating the pellets and drinking out of his water bottle, but I'm scared that he isn't getting all the nutrition he needs. I noticed that a lot of people in these forums use goats milk, should I give it a try? And if that doesn't work what should I do next?
Also what should I be keeping him in? I read that you're supposed to keep them in a ten gallon aquarium when hand raising them, which is what I have him in now. When he gets older I'll move him to the big cageI have.
Also what should I be keeping him in? I read that you're supposed to keep them in a ten gallon aquarium when hand raising them, which is what I have him in now. When he gets older I'll move him to the big cageI have.