Just another quick question.

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Can someone tell me how they clean they're chinchillas ferret nation step by step? It sounds kinda stupid, but I've never owned a ferret nation and I heard they're weird to clean from a petsmart employee? Anyways how do you typically clean it and go about doing it?

My bosses (chins)-Daelyn andEllie
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What type of bedding are you using fleece or shavings?
It's actually very easy to clean...I use fleece liners, so if you use bedding it may be different.

But first, I vacuum out as much as I can, remove the liners, shake them off outside, then vacuum any remaining poo/shavings/hay, etc. Then I wipe down the bass pans with a water/vinegar solution, and put in new liners. That's pretty much it.
It's actually very easy to clean...I use fleece liners, so if you use bedding it may be different.

But first, I vacuum out as much as I can, remove the liners, shake them off outside, then vacuum any remaining poo/shavings/hay, etc. Then I wipe down the bass pans with a water/vinegar solution, and put in new liners. That's pretty much it.

That's exactly what I do. I don't think it's difficult at all to clean a FN... especially with those big doors opened up. I lure my girls to one level and put their hidey house over the opening between floors while I clean the other level... otherwise they jump all over my arms and chase the dust buster while I'm vacuuming up the poos.
The people at Pets Mart probably have never even cleaned a FN cage to know that it's "weird" to clean, honestly. Just my .02
The people at Pets Mart probably have never even cleaned a FN cage to know that it's "weird" to clean, honestly. Just my .02

Agreed. I really don't see how it can be "weird" to clean when the entire front opens up... I could climb into the thing if I wanted to.

Wait a second...:hmm: