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Hi guys, so I ended up making a conclusion on what was happening with Melody. Basically, over a few days I noticed some patches of fur were getting shorter or just completely bald. So, my hypothesis was that its impossible for the fur to just trim itself, since some patches of her fur had fur shorter than the rest, like it had been trimmed or chewed. So, I think she was fur chewing! And after some research into that, I found that giving her lots of new toys, and a variety of them at that, she stopped the chewing!! This was such a relief! I also am remodeling the cages. I have sugar gliders but I'm rehoming them on wednesday, so the plan is to move Melody into their old cage (a critter nation), and I'm waiting on some Bass Equipment metal trays to arrive so I can stop with the fleece (too much work for me) and also give the girls some cooler temps since it's galvanized steel. I also ordered Melody her own wheel since only Zoey has one, and I also got some new fleece hanging cubes Zoey is also going to be having the entire ferret nation cage to herself since her and Melody have been splitting it since last year. So both the girls will have their own cage! And when I get them permanently bonded they will maybe get the 2 cages modified to stick together and they can have both the ferret AND critter nation together. Anyways thats all, sorry for the long paragraph haha! Hope everyone is doing well