My chinny was sneezing tonight, like two little ones, and I was just wondering if I should be concerned? Or if they just sneeze sometimes. And I should be watching for runny nose and such now? Has anyone else experiences a little chin sneeze?
Sometimes they do sneeze, especially after taking a dust bath. If it seems to be happening a lot, look for any discharge coming from the nose, watch their appetite and poos. Hold them up close to your ear and listen for any wheezing or odd breathing sounds. If you see any of these signs then your chin could have a URI which requires a vet visit. But if you just heard the two little sneezes, I wouldn't be too concerned.
Keep an eye out for any other signs of problems or excessive sneezing - some chins chomp on the bars of their cage and make themselves sneeze in the process.
If it's just a sneeze or two and nothing else then I would not worry.
I have a boy who loves to sneeze after a bath. I think at this point he does it on purpose to get attention. In my case, I don't worry to much about him but if any of my other boys sneeze more than once or twice I immediately check them and watch for other signs of illness.
yeah he seems totally fine and since last night hasnt sneezed..
but i will for sure keep my eye out just in case
thanks so much, I just wanted to make sure