Just a Question about Handfeeding

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Hi, I'm currently handfeeding a week and a half baby chin and I found this on the Interntet and was wondering if this is right and if anyone has anything to add I know many people have different views on thing I just really want to make sure I'm doing this right, and if I should do anything differently also I am using evaporated milk I have looked everywhere for goats milk and had no luck. I also read alot on here about handfeeding but couldnt find anything on moving the time to 3 hours then 4 so was wondering if I could do that also. Right now I'm still feeding him every 2- 2.5 hours.

Recipe for hand feeding kits

1 can of goat’s milk (if goat’s milk cannot be found you can use evaporated milk)
1 can of water
1 tablespoon of live active bacteria culture yogurt
1 tablespoon of dried baby rice cereal
2 drops of light corn syrup (I didn’t use this in my mixture because it gave the kit diarrhea)
This mixture only stays good for 2 days. You can freeze the rest in ice cube trays

Hand feeding

Hand feeding should take place every 2 hours for the first week the kit is born. You can get away with 3 hours at night. Then increase the time between hand feedings by an hour of each additional week. Week 2 feed every 3 hours, week 3 every 4 hours, etc.. At night you can increase the time by an hour as well. During the first week of life kits should be taking anywhere from 1 – 3 full syringes. One syringe equals 1 cc.
We have an FAQ, which I think I linked to in your other thread, that addresses handfeeding. I don't recommend adding the yogurt or the karo syrup. Chins don't need it and they surely don't get it from their mother's. I've never used it and have nursed many kits successfully.

I feed every 2 hours for at least the first 2 weeks. If the kits aren't gaining really well, then I will continue for a third week, and then go up in time from there. Night time or day time doesn't matter. They get every 2 hour feedings regardless.