Ivory Dusting

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non-stop poop sweeper
Jan 29, 2009
Chicago suburb
Short clip of Ivory's first dust bath in his new home :)) and a couple of pics... just thought I'd share because he's just so cute, heehee!





Ish-ka-bibble! Say it with me woman! Ivory is not a manly name. He'll probably end up gender confused, poor thing. With that girlie name, you'll probably start to find that he's mounting his cagemate, servicing himself...........oh, wait, nevermind. <snicker>

He's a cutie. :)
what is the brand of playpen you use in your youtube video?
I know it wouldnt be large enough to fit my chin maze inside but its pretty large... would be nice to just take it out and shake it out after playtime instead of having to lug around my big fence and then vaccum everywhere.
Thanks everyone! I can't believe how cuddly he is especially in the mornings :)).

what is the brand of playpen you use in your youtube video?

This playpen? It's the WARE Deluxe Pop-Up Playpen in Large (50"L X 50"W X 32"H). I got it at Petco for my pug almost 2 years ago but we never used it and one day I decided to put the chins in it when I was cleaning & remodeling their cage and couldn't watch them in the bathroom for playtime. The bottom velcroves off so that you can just pick it up and toss poop out very easily. There is plenty of room, I've seen both my chins wall surf in it.
