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Tasty Human
Sep 22, 2010
Out with the old, in with the new! Took a bit (including fighting over the instructions, then trying to get the wood to fit) still a work in progress such as hammocks, tubes and maybe some liners :D I'm just sooo excited

I believe it's a feisty ferret. It looks like you've gotten a good start, but I don't like the looks of that wire spacing. It looks like a leg could very easily slip through and get caught..I would get some pans or at least some liners to go over them asap.
Yes, the wire spacing isn't good. Looks good otherwise!!! :)
it is the fiesty ferret yes, and shall do! I have some fleece left over that i was thinking of simply laying it over but I'm going to try and get some liners from someone or make my own.