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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
Alameda, CA
I'm curious if fungus is the only thing that would cause a chin to be excessively itchy.
Chimney has been scratching a lot it seems but doesn't really show any visible signs of fungus (bald patches red paws etc). Can it just be early on so not visible? I just got him and he does not seem to be acting odd in any way, he's curious as can be but not so fond of being touched (even for scritches! :p ) but I'm assuming that it's just because he's getting used to his surroundings.

I gave him a dust bath with tinactin just in case since I figured if I was wrong it wouldn't hurt. I just want to be sure that I'm not missing something
How often are you giving him dust baths? You may want to cut down, as dust can dry out their skin...especially during this time of year when the air tends to be less humid.
This is the first, I got him a little over a week ago so I don't have much to go off of for how much before!
I tend toward once a week with Ferdinand but it gets foggy around here so a bit damper during the winter.
pine shavings, I've never used them before I used to use carefresh but in my large cage I'm only using bedding for his litter area- Ferdinand hasn't started being itchy but if it is a bedding thing maybe he's not reacting since he has less maybe? Can there be bad batches of shavings, like I said I've never used it before so maybe?
Maybe try switching to a different type of bedding. Maybe your chin has an allergy or some sort of reaction to the wood dust from the shavings. See if the bedding switch helps with the itching.