Itchy/Fur biting?

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I just got my chinchilla 2 weeks ago, his name is Chibi. Anyways, I noticed he's been kinda itchy, and nibbling at his fur. I don't think he's really chewing it cuz I can't see any hair loss and it looks like it's the regular length. So I'm guessing he's just grooming or itchy??

Could it be his dust baths? I've given him 3 dust baths in the 2 weeks I've owned him.. but he's in the basement where it's nice and cool so maybe his skin is dry? I don't know, but I really want him to be comfortable.

He seems really happy and active, but I just wish he'd stop itching, and it's making me itchy! I have sensitive skin though, so maybe it is dust mites??

Ahh, I have no idea! Please help me!! (and Chibi!)
What kind of dust are you using? Is your basement humid or dry? What kind of bedding do you use? Do you use cloth hammocks or liners, and if so, what kind of detergent/softener do you use on them?

No, 3 baths in 2 weeks isn't too much. Most people give baths 2-3 times per week, so that shouldn't be an issue.
It's a cool dry basement.

- Dust = Sun Seed :sunthing special? I think that's what it's called.
- Don't use cloth hammocks, he sleeps in his hiding box, and his cage has all edible wood/sticks/hay everything except 3 shelves that are impossible to chew on.
- Bedding I'm not sure, but it's the same thing his previous owner used, so I got the same.

I've read everywhere that their fur is too dense to support fleas or anything, but dust mites? I haven't been able to find much about it.
Essential fatty acid deficiency can lead to itchy skin, try giving a tiny pinch of ground flaxseed twice a week or so.
You can also offer some dry, organic hibiscus flowers. They are recommended for chins with sensitive skin, as tartaric and malic acids provide essential nutrients to the skin.
Other dietary causes of itchy, dry skin include the deficiency of vitamin A, E, B vitamins, some trace elements. I would add some nutritive herbs: dandelion, nettle, alfalfa and some wheat germ.
Dust mites can't really do anything to chins.

What are you feeding the chin? Proper diet and nutrition are essential.
no I don't use a dehumidifier, it's just a naturally cold basement. I watch him very carefully and am a bit paranoid being a new chin owner, but I think he's getting better now. If he starts missing fur I'll be sure to say something...