Is you chin ever naughty what naughty things do they do?? LOL?

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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2011
I think my chinchilla is feeling very comfortable around here ....My bedroom is barricaded and chin proofed but recently she has been trying to rip down the barricades and the other day she even decided to pull my laptop case ( I have it propped against one of the barricades...) she is so strong !!!! and she has been pulling things around my room and then she has been looking at me with the I know Im not supposed to be doing this but ill try look LOL!!

Does your chin do any naughty or mischievousness things when they are out?
Maia's mission in life is to get behind my entertainment center. She tears down everything in her path and I'm fully convinced she spends her days plotting her next attack. What's even funnier is that she knows she's not supposed to even attempt such a thing, so the instant I yell at her, she puts herself back in her cage, saving me the trouble.
Silver and Dragon conspire, I swear they do. One distracts me with some minor chewing while the other tried to jump up onto the window ledge where they are not allowed. They frustrate me so much sometimes that I need to leave the room for a moment while my boyfriend watches them and I calm down. They have plenty of toys during playtime but they live to be naughty. Sid on the other hand, is an absolute angel, he demolishes sticks in his cage but doesnt try to chew anything during playtime :)
Dyamond sprays and is the only sprayer.
Rockye - escapes.
Poker - escapes.

The rest of them are just chins.
Maia's mission in life is to get behind my entertainment center. She tears down everything in her path and I'm fully convinced she spends her days plotting her next attack. What's even funnier is that she knows she's not supposed to even attempt such a thing, so the instant I yell at her, she puts herself back in her cage, saving me the trouble.

Yes I can agree there are spots where chin-chin knows is off limits I tried the stern no tonight and she KNEW she was up to no good lol....when she looks at me though its so cute
Silver and Dragon conspire, I swear they do. One distracts me with some minor chewing while the other tried to jump up onto the window ledge where they are not allowed. They frustrate me so much sometimes that I need to leave the room for a moment while my boyfriend watches them and I calm down. They have plenty of toys during playtime but they live to be naughty. Sid on the other hand, is an absolute angel, he demolishes sticks in his cage but doesnt try to chew anything during playtime :)

OH Im thinking thats a good idea will have to throw some chews around!!!! maybe in front of where she likes to sneak off...

MaveRick - humps EVERYTHING!
Shiloh - plots his escape all the time.
Pip and Squeak - One will distract you while the other escapes.
Tucker isn't really naughty, he is just bipolar.

LOL Im lucky I dont have pairs....

Dyamond sprays and is the only sprayer.
Rockye - escapes.
Poker - escapes.

The rest of them are just chins.

I have a female and have yet to see the spray.....yikes!!!!!!
Rufus' mission in life is to get onto the kitchen counter. He tries to jump from the floor all the way up to the counter, but he never makes it. He also tries to jump off the wall on to the counter, unsuccessfully. I don't know what he thinks he's gonna find up there, but he sure puts a lot of effort into it. Other than that they are typical naughty boys, they try to eat walls, throw poo, hide under the couch, try to get to the treats, and run when it's time to go home.
Rufus' mission in life is to get onto the kitchen counter. He tries to jump from the floor all the way up to the counter, but he never makes it. He also tries to jump off the wall on to the counter, unsuccessfully. I don't know what he thinks he's gonna find up there, but he sure puts a lot of effort into it. Other than that they are typical naughty boys, they try to eat walls, throw poo, hide under the couch, try to get to the treats, and run when it's time to go home.

That is so funny I have yet to see if my chin throw poo....I am suspicious...there are always poops way across the room.....chin started jumping on desks now :)
my chin lunch is an escape artist she has learned if she dive bombs the upper door of my cage a couple of times that itll open. i had guests over one time and all of a sudden my friend starts screaming and freaking out. Turned out lunch had escaped and nestled in her purse. ever since the cage has been wired shut when im not around.

my other chin gummi's mission in life is to eat everything. i used to spend most of my time stopign her from eating my walls and my slippers.
Bubbles' constant mission is to try and get behind my cuboard. Whenever I turn my back she's pulling at the boxes that's blocking all the little holes! She's even tried to eat the wall to make room for her! She pulls away the shoes that's blocking the back! She's too clever for her own good! She was also not allowed on my bed a few years back, so i blocked it, but she got up using my guitar and violin as a ladder! Haha