is this wood ok?

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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2011
I've seen on many sellers websites, grape vine wood is sold. I've seen it in wreath form and just plain stick form. My mother has a wild grape vine in her backyard and the the birds devour the grapes each spring and summer. She has never used any sort of pesticides on it. We were wondering if we scrubbed it and baked it, would it be okay to use in my chinchillas cage? I was thinking that if the birds can eat the grapes, that the wood might be okay too. But I honestly have no idea. Thanks :))
Yes, grapevine is okay for chins. Here's a site that tells you the safe and unsafe woods:


Thanks Ronda, there's a list on this forum site as well that I had seen. I guess my question really is: Is the fact that it's WILD grape vine okay? Like my mom doesn't do anything to it, it just randomly started growing a bunch of years back. Thanks!
Haha, i was going to post the exact same question as we got a wild grapevine, my mom wont let me at the apple and pear tree until after its fruited so i was looking at the grapevine instead :D
Ugghhh ... my dad and I just went to chop some of it down and turns out worms have started to live in it and killed it :( So now I have to find some other source of wood. This sucks because I'm not really familiar with trees and woods. Guess I gotta learn haha. Well thanks for all the info guys. Wish this could have worked.
I was just thinking. They make pieces of wood to put in reptile tanks. When I just checked online, there were pieces made of grape wood! It would have to be untreated for any animal to be able to use it so it should be okay for chins too .. right? Any thought on this? Thanks!
Ooooh I will have to check that out. If those are good for them I'm assuming any type of grapewood would be okay. Thanks a bunch ChinnyMom :))
Careful w/ reptile woods. A lot of those that look like grape vine are actually mopani/iron wood, which can feel and look like grape vine, but aren't chin safe to my knowledge. I did, however, pick up some nice coconut and grape vine at a reptile show in Maryland a few years ago. If there's one near you and you can stand being in the same building w/ snakes and lizards, it might be worth stopping.
I use the wild grape vine all the time, and I my chins like it more than they like the concord or any of the varietys that my dad grows for wine. Our wild ones have never produced actual fruit though.
Careful w/ reptile woods. A lot of those that look like grape vine are actually mopani/iron wood, which can feel and look like grape vine, but aren't chin safe to my knowledge. I did, however, pick up some nice coconut and grape vine at a reptile show in Maryland a few years ago. If there's one near you and you can stand being in the same building w/ snakes and lizards, it might be worth stopping.

I went to 3 different pet stores today .. 3!! And they all had pieces of wood that SAY grapewood. I think those will be my best bet but I will keep an eye out for those other bad ones, thanks 3CsMommy :)) And I own a lizard and two snakes so being with reptiles isn't a problem for me at all :D I will have to see if there are any in my area any time soon.