Is this safe to do?

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Loving Pet Owner
Aug 29, 2010
San Diego, CA
Handbag has decided that wall jumping is what he wants to do during playtime but I'm afraid this is not safe.

He started doing this a few days ago and seems to love it. There is nothing there on the wall for him to jump to and he can obviously jump up to the table if he wants, but never does.

The distance is about 3 feet to the wall, and he is about 3.5 feet from the floor.

Should I allow him to play like this? Is this some type of chinchilla parkour? :hmm:

I made a short video of two different clips, and then slowed them both down. Opinions?
He's performing a version of wall surfing there. Most of the younger chins do that around here. It's strange as it sounds...and it's normal. You should see them do it when they are running around really fast. Or, running down stairs and wall surfing against a wall near the bottom. Chinchillas are giant weirdos... :D
Good to know!! I wasn't sure why he hangs out in that corner so much when there is plenty of room behind where I am with the camera. But he sure seems to love to do this so I'm happy that he's happy. :)
Ditto to what everyone else said, have you been exposed to popcorning yet? If not you're in for a treat if/when he starts :) and when they start popcorning and wall surfing simultaneously, its so much fun!
When mine get going they use the family room as a race track, wall surfing the whole way! Handbag is my FAVORITE chin!
I love wall surfing. There is a hallway that leads from the living room (where Shell plays) to her cage. My little nutter can't go down the hallway without surfing back and forth on the walls. Chins are goofs. Just wait till Handbag gets a good running start before a surf.
Cute! I have another idea he might like, we discovered it when we took Tibbit to Chin field day in Hermiston. The hotel had 2 full length mirrors on the sliding closet door. Tibbit saw the "other chin" and raced around all excited. Any mirror will do.