Is this normal?

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Dec 18, 2011
Okay I just got my Dexter in June and he is now about 2 years old. I just noticed last night that he is stretching himself out and laying across his blanket then sort of dragging himself.. I've noticed him itch a bit too..his belly is a little cold but that is about it. Is this normal hedgehog behavior or do I need to do something about this? Please help!I'm worried that he might have mites or fleas...maybe lice!
If his belly is cold, he needs a warmer environment.

Scratching could be from dry skin which is more prevalent in the winter months. Fleas you can see, mites you can't see. Is he loosing quills?
His temperature is about 74 degrees and he doesn't seem to be losing quills I've checked by his wheel, hideaway, and tube and there aren't any quills lying around. He eats Vita exotics hedgehog formula food and his treats are mealworms. I just changed his towel yesterday so I don't know what could be's making me so stressed!:banghead:
He also has a bath at least twice a week in warm water and I use an oatmeal pet shampoo that is supposed to be good for dry and flakey skin.
I'd increase the temp a little bit to help with the chilly belly. Even if 74F has worked in the past, he might need more heat as he ages. My Satin would attempt hibernation anywhere below 76F.

I'd cut back on the number of full baths. Foot baths... certainly keep those if he has messy feet from running in his wheel. But full baths - even with special oatmeal shampoo - can be drying.
He still stretches out and rubs himself all over the floor of his cage..should I take him to the vet or is there a special flea/mite shampoo or medicine I could use.
Is his skin really dry? He could just be overly itchy from dry skin. I'd recommend cutting back on the bath time. Too many baths, even with the Aveeno, will promote dry skin.

By any chance that you are using a liner for his cage, or a new laundry detergent that could be causing an allergic reaction?