Is this accurate?

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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2010
Johnson City, TN
Some of you know that I have a "friend" who owns a petstore. I went there to do a little trading cage wise. I stayed for a few hours just helping clean/feed. She had the chinchillas on Kaytee Fiesta. LUCKILY I had some Mazuri in the car. I dumped the Fiesta and filled the bowl with Mazuri and gave her a big bag. She definitely cares about the animals, but does not want to pay a ton for food when she can get wholesale prices. I mentioned that I can get a 50# bag of PANR at Mize for $15 and that she could feed that to chinchillas and rabbits. But what else would it be suitable for? If it was suitable for piggies also, then i'm sure I could convince her (as far as I know, the other small animals are being fed crap too). She specializes in saltwater, so she needs a little help with info. I don't know a lot about other small animals, so I came here! She definitely takes care of them, but like most of us in the beginning, doesn't do it exactly right the first time.

On the brightside, she said if anybody was interested in the chinchillas she has now, that she'd like for me to come by. She will call me over (I live 5 minutes away) and I will basically screen the possible owners. That's hard for me considering that a lot of the potential buyers are probably impulse buyers, but better than them not getting the info.

Last thing, I went into a different pet store a few days ago and found an ACORN in the chinchilla cage. Needless to say I took it out and told her no more xD
Last thing, I went into a different pet store a few days ago and found an ACORN in the chinchilla cage. Needless to say I took it out and told her no more xD

Yes, but was that her doing, or did some kid drop it in, not knowing?

Thank you for helping her!