Is this a sign of Malo?

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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2010
I got my 2 little boys in January from a girl who didn't seem to care at all for them. It was like a "puppy mill" or something bc their were soooo many in this little travel thing but I got 2 for pets anyway. I've had them since Jan and they were 2 mos then. They've been together the whole time and just in the past few weeks when I go to feed them at nite, there is ground up food in their bowl. It looks like CC or the bottom of a feed bag. I thought I read somewhere a long time ago that thats a sign of malocclusion. Gosh I hope not bc these 2 are my babies! I love them so much and am afraid that since I got them from someone obviously breeding inappropriately and for the wrong reasons (quantity not quality it seems) then I'm afraid my babies and I are going to pay the price by a miserable painful death. Is this a sign?
this can be a sign from food falling from their mouth but the chins may be diggers. With digging and lots of commotion in the cage can cause dust or bits of pellet. Have you kept weights on these guys? and are they drooling or tearing at all? If they are, take them to the vet asap. If its just sand and the animal is 100% healthy, keep and eye on them. any drooling, tearing, or absence of hunger can mean malo.
Some pellets crumble, I personally have had many malo chins and never saw crumbling since malo chins rarely try to eat pellets. The tiny bite and drop, pick another pellet, tiny bite and drop I have seen in all of them but never pellet dust.