I got my 2 little boys in January from a girl who didn't seem to care at all for them. It was like a "puppy mill" or something bc their were soooo many in this little travel thing but I got 2 for pets anyway. I've had them since Jan and they were 2 mos then. They've been together the whole time and just in the past few weeks when I go to feed them at nite, there is ground up food in their bowl. It looks like CC or the bottom of a feed bag. I thought I read somewhere a long time ago that thats a sign of malocclusion. Gosh I hope not bc these 2 are my babies! I love them so much and am afraid that since I got them from someone obviously breeding inappropriately and for the wrong reasons (quantity not quality it seems) then I'm afraid my babies and I are going to pay the price by a miserable painful death. Is this a sign?