Is Something Wrong With My Chin???....

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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2009
Chester, Va
Hello everyone ! I just added 2 new chinnies to my family yesterday. They are a violet and a beige (both females). I got them from a lady who was very *not smart* about chins. She said she didnt have time for them, didnt know if they would fit in the cage (critter nation) she had at full grown size. So, I got them also not to mention she had them posted on "craigslist". But today I realized that the beige baby (Sandy) has a scar on her side it looks as though she has been cut. So, i need someone to help me and tell me what this's just a line with no fur.
Another thing...
Everytime i stick my hand in the cage to fill food bowl and she notices my hand is in the cage she snaps at my hand and clatters her teeth not to mention she takes off running all over the cage while all the others are calm.

Some one please?! I am so worried about her!


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It may take her awhile to become used to you. She needs to build up some trust with you before she'll let you in her space. Just take it easy, limit your time for now with her while she adjusts and slowly try to build up the trust. In about a week, take her out for playtimes (maybe use a dustbath to get her out) and let her run around and get to know you. Then you can hang out with her by her cage, and put your hand in and just rest it there so she knows you are not going to hurt her. She may come up and investigate you, climb on you... it may take awhile and it will take a lot of patience. Just go very slow, and let her come to you on her own terms.
Not sure, but from the picture it looks like it could be fur chewing. Were the two chins caged together? (I'm assuming they were)

And yes, give them time to adjust and get to know you. If you have a safe area to let them out in, sit in there with them so they can sniff you, climb on you, etc.
It looks like just a fur slip to me, from the chin being frightened or suddenly grabbed. Is the skin underneath smooth and uninjured? Chances are, she just got scared and slipped some fur.
Thank you everyone for the answers and the advice. I will definately give her her space and slowly get her used to the new environment. (:) These posts are greatly appreciated ! (:)