Is my Felix exceptionally bright?

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Hi Guys!!

I am new to chins and have had my little Felix for just two weeks now. He is about 2 months old and seems to be exceptionally smart, outgoing and affectionate.

I had him for two days when he was already happily hopping on my hands and perching on my knuckles to snooze. This is very quick for a new chin isn't it? I was very careful not to push him and let him take things at his pace and spend alot of time talking to him...

The day after I got him, he started eating and drinking normal amounts.

And he learnt to come up his ladder to the door of his cage for treats (not many) in the first week as well.

He now really enjoys being scratched, even on his belly. And he likes perching on my shoulder.

He lets me pick him up as well...he doesn't LIKE it but he's not scared, he just gives an annoyed

I think he is a very sweet and smart little boy and I just adore him!!!

PS: He comes from a very nice breeder, I don't think he was handled daily but he was handled a bit.
He sounds great. I don't know if you know this or not, but within hours after a chin is born they start hoping around. I bred a Chin of mine (now passed) once and her kits started climbing and jumping around..."popcorning" name it, they were doing it within hours! Its amazing really! But then again, you have to consider the amount of time the mothers are pregnant...its a bit, compared to dogs and cats.

Anyways, he sounds great =) I think that when it comes to kits they are a lot more curious and ready to explore you than say, an adult that you get who hasn't been handled much. Keep handling him and playing with him daily and you'll have a really great tempered Chinny!
I think it just really depends on the personality of the chin. Some are more outgoing and human loving than others. One of mine, Chibi, is like that. She was never stressed out after I got her and just loves humans. And then of the other 4 they each have a varying degree of outgoingness.
He sounds like a real sweetie, and if he's your only one, he's probably adoring that attention you give him.

And he learnt to come up his ladder to the door of his cage for treats (not many) in the first week as well.

I'd be careful though about having a ladder in his cage though. It's not recommended as a stumble on those can easily injure themselves quite badly.
He sounds like a cutie pie and must love your attention. Congratulations for bonding so quickly :)
Ladders are alright if covered with wood or fleece so their toesies or feets/legs cant get injured if a slip happens.. maybe it would be good!
It really depends on the chinchilla. I got Petra from a pet store and the day I got her home she was happy loved scritching, let you pick her up, eating, drinking, the whole shebang. She loves people, all people, even strangers. (She had a small stint where she liked spraying people but she never thought that should inhibit them giving her more scritching) Congrats on your friendly chinchilla, they are super fun!
My little guy is like that too. The day I got him he was just very curious about who I was and when I would give him another treat. He was 3 months old when I got him though, that could be why he bonded so fast. Now it's been about 6 months with him and you would have thought we have been together forever. He even comes when called. I personally think it just depends. I did get him from a pet store, and they said they have been trying to get him used to being handled, so that might be it also, I don't know. :hmm: