I recently got a 3 month old male chin from the pet store. I was getting things for the one I currently have on hold with the breeder for march and when I met a really healthy, social chin. I already had a cage and some toys at my house so I was able to get him, along with some food and hay,as an early christmas present. He socialized really quickly so I was able to examine him a couple days ago (we got him 8 days ago) and everything seems to be alright (except his teeth are a light yellow, which I have heard is common in babies). I noticed that unless someone is in the room,however he likes to sit on his top ledge and hide his head under his hammock to sleep. I was wondering if this was a sign of boredom from lack of toys (I didn't have money at the time to buy more toys,but I'm getting him some son) or if it could possibly be a slight health problem (or both?!?!?!). I have heard that chins can get a bit ill when in a new area and his stool has been softer than normal lately, is it possible he might have a bit of diarrhea and/or is a bit bored?