Is my chin unhappy?

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New member
Feb 19, 2013
Akron, OH
I got my two chins about a month ago and the older one seems to be a little upset. His name is Ashkii, and his cage mate's name is Chesmu. Chesmu is the dominant one usually and always is starving for attention while Ahskii just sits in a corner. When Ashkii does try to get attention, Chesmu jumps in front of him to block my hand. The thing is, they're both still babies. Under 6 months old. Is this just Ashkii's behavior or is there something wrong? Is he upset, maybe sick? What should I do? :unsure:
my girl is like that, shes what i call "attention seeking" i think its perfectly normal, and so long as other chin cagemates are okay with her bossing them around its okay, no harm.... i do tend to not encourage it at feeding treat time, by giving to the more gentle, easy going chin first just cuz i dont wanna lead the girl on that this behaviour is desirable at feeding time