is my chin in heat? or infection??

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to many chin chips??
Sep 15, 2009
picayune, Ms
i was weighing my chins tonight and noticed this white creamy discharge on blizzards vagina area.. is this infection or is she in heat?? i saw one chin in heat before but it didnt look like that, so im worried its discharge from infection! :(
its directly between her anus and vagina its hard to see it in the pic but it is visible.

I have 5 girls and have never noticed anything discharged from their vaginas which leads me to think that when they are in heat only a small amount of discharge occurs, so little that I don't notice. Given that you are seeing what appears to be a large amount I would err on the side of caution and seek a vet's opinion. I have read that when a chin gets pyometra that the discharge has a foul odor as well...I have no personal experience with it though.
I can't see anything in that can try taking a clearer picture. I find if you raise the tail with their front feet braced on the ground it's a little easier to get pictures of bits.

Are you positive she is not housed with or near a male? Has a male had playtime anywhere near her cage recently or vice versa?

I've found that when my females are in heat it, the amount of discharge from the vagina(the slit you are mentioning that is between the urethral cone and the anus) varies given the chinchilla. The large majority of my females do not produce much if any discharge but generally become swollen, reddened and the vaginal slit opens slightly. A few of my females do have a slight amount of discharge when in heat but not like you're's more clear than white.

To be on the safe side I would take her to a vet. If it is not infections it could be a number of other things. In the two females I've found an excessive amount of vaginal discharge, something internal was off or wrong and they both ended up passing.
I would perhaps seek a vet as she also looks very dirty down there and stained. Most girls even when in heat keep them selves much cleaner. Granted their are a few pee sitters out there she does not seem well groomed in that area at that can also b ea sign of issues
she has always been dirty down there, since she was a baby, she is housed with a mosiac also and the mosiac is just as dirty to. i had posted about that a long time ago cuz its concerned me.. i will take her to the vet, they have males on side of them but a good 6-7 inches
I had a similar problem. On Monday night (29th) my F chin had white discharge, began to clean herself a lot and when she sat down cleaning it made a decent sized puddle on the floor. 7pm the next day we saw a vet, we both suspected bladder problem or pyometria. Vet felt around and noted my chin squeaking more when she felt her bladder.

She was prescribed 0.3ml (she was about 700grams) baytril 2x daily for about a week. Got her home and she didn't eat much other than hay, has small poops and drank little to nothing. Next day I fed her acidophilus, peppermint leaves and linseeds, and every day the antibiotic at 8am and pm. Since then she has resumed normal drinking and eating, poops are better. Will continue antibiotics and acidophilus until the antibiotics run out. She has had no more discharge.

Two recent threads have discussed the topic of copious milky white discharge but neither have seen a conclusion from the OP that I can see. I hope they were taken to a vet or the problem was otherwise solved and they will post their resolutions so that future owners will be more informed.