Is Mira a mosaic or pink-white?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
I have been wondering about what Mira would be classified as. She has a much more "dirty" appearance than her daughter or my pink-white male Terrance. Pictures of Mira below:



Ignore the nose in the top left corner, Marika always shoves her nose into the camera;


Thanks in advance!
That overall "dirty appearance" that you refer to is the guard hair showing. Sometimes it is more prevalent in some chins over others. She would only be classified as a mosaic if she had at least one or more defined patches of another color (in her case it would be a beige patch since she is a PW).
I was told that the pink ears and eyes are what makes a chin a PW. If they have dark eyes or ears they are not PW, is this true?
That would be interesting :) All of my pink-whites have grayish-blue eyes.
Red or pink eyes is normal for pink whites. Its rare but not uncommon to have one with blue eyes. She looks like a heavily shaded pink white, but it is hard to tell. She doesn't appear very white but that could be due to the biege tipping on her guard hairs. If she isn't white she could be a very light beige. Do you know the colors of her parents?
Unfortunately I know nothing about her past. She came to me pregnant off of craigslist.

I have three pink-white chins, none of my chins have pink eyes. They are all a shade of blue.