Is it safe to give my chin a bath yet?

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'No they're not bunnies'
Oct 11, 2010
baltimore, maryland
One of my chins just gave birth 3 days ago and is DYING for a dust bath. She REEKS of urine and her fur is all oily. Anytime she hears my other chinnies taking a bath, she goes absolutely crazy trying to get out of her cage. I feel terrible for her.

Would it be safe to give her a bath? And should baby get her first bath as well?
I give mine a dust bath whenever it is bath day..if they gave birth that day or not. She can have a dust bath and would very likely love it
I give mine a dust bath whenever it is bath day..if they gave birth that day or not. She can have a dust bath and would very likely love it

Really? I've always read online that you have to wait a week or two for mom to 'close up' and everything so she doesn't get an infection? But I trust that you know what you're talking about and I'll give her a bath! Thanks!
Some breeders wait, some don't. To err on the side of caution I would just make sure the dust is clean/never been used before.
Some breeders wait, some don't. To err on the side of caution I would just make sure the dust is clean/never been used before.

I made sure the dust was fresh. And just to be safe I cleaned the bath house with hot water and vinegar just so there were no creepy crawlies lingering in there waiting to wreck havoc! :neener:
Many breeders I know and I have done this trick as well. When you have a female that seems to be having some issues with labor a good dust bath can get things moving again. I have done that a few times and never had an infection develop from it. when a female is open often she has fluids moving out..which prevents stuff from going back in.