is it safe to breed again?

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the chinchillas addicts
Mar 4, 2009
sg, central
Hi all,

I have been in chin breeding 4 years ago and have stopped all my breeding since then. Was it safe to breed them again since they will be turning 5year old in 2010?

I have read that females that had never produced before and not suitable to breed when they are over 4years. Is there any difference in the males and females?
You can try and breed them, but there's a high likelihood that nothing will happen. The older a female gets, the less likely she's going to get pregnant if she has never been pregnant before.

Males make no difference. They'll breed forever as long as there is a female around.
The problem with an "older' female is that it may take her longer to get pregnant. I've got females in breeding that are well over 4 years old, they've slowed down a bit but they are still breeding. I've seen females in breeding that were 10+ and still giving one healthy kit per year.
The problem with an "older' female is that it may take her longer to get pregnant. I've got females in breeding that are well over 4 years old, they've slowed down a bit but they are still breeding. I've seen females in breeding that were 10+ and still giving one healthy kit per year.

oops, I have not been cleared in my words. I meant those females that have never been breed before....will there be complications?
No, I've put girls in that were over 4 years old and never bred. Some bred, some didn't. Only one had birthing complications that did conceive, and her kit was born dead. Other than that, they didn't have any birthing complications.
Oh.. it seem like a bad choice if I put her in breeding. :thinking2:
Thanks peggy.
I have put an older girl in breeding she did fine. But she is a very very slow breeder like 1 kit every other year
I would put her in if she is a good female. Dead kits happen, it might have been that she was older or a number of any other things with Pegger's girl. There is not a greater risk for an older female than a younger one in general. Sometimes people confuse chins with guinea pigs as well, guinea pigs should be bred before a certain age or their pelvic bones fuse making birthing nearly impossible, or so I've been told, never bred pigs so I can't back that up, but I have heard this from people about chins, but it is not true.

IMO chins have to be a lot older than four to even "slow down", if they're four and are slowing down chances are they're just getting too fat! :p
Lol.....i had some g-pigs.
Yes, they had to be put on breeding early.

thanks for all the advice.