Is it okay to cut a mat out?

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Hello all! I just noticed today that my little guy has a little mat of fur close to his rear. I had thought it was just a tuft of hair that had been shed, but when I went to give it a tug I found that it was firmly attached. It's not very big or anything. But I was wondering, is it okay to cut it out? I've heard people say that it's not a good idea to cut a chin's fur because it will make it grow back funny. I know chins can quickly release fur, but I'm afraid to really tug on it. Hmm... maybe this is a silly question...
I'd just pull it out. Cutting it won't hurt (unless you accidentally poke him with the scissors), but it will take longer to grow back in as the cut fur will have to shed out naturally first.
Just slowly and gently pull it out, you will be surprised how easy it comes out.
Cutting is bad, chins skin is extremely thin and it's very easy to accidentally cut an animal while cutting out matts, one reason groomers don't "just cut out matts" even when people ask them to, they shave them.
Okay, so just grab it and give it a really firm tug? Should I grab it close to the skin or at the end?
Nevermind... I grabbed a hold of it while he was sitting on his ledge and then he decided it was time to jump down...