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Oct 5, 2012
Hello. Recently, about 2 months ago, I got my own Chinchilla. We got her from a pet store, so I'm not entirely sure on her exact age, but I just had a few questions about the things she does that I just can't find an answer to..

First-petting. She seems to be ok with it, from what I think, but is there a way I can tell she's actually happy with it? Tonight she wouldn't really come out of her house, which was odd, but I think that might have been someone coming into the room earlier she didn't know. The whole time I just sat and talked to her, a good hour or so, just petting her when she wasn't running on her wheel (as she sat in it the whole time I pet her) She would occasionally sit in my hand which was nice, and I was petting around her ear, and she let me rub her ear to (VERY lightly) and while I did it, she kind of closed her eyes, like she was gonna go to sleep. Was she happy with that? Or was she getting really annoyed with me? ><

Second-Sleeping. She sleeps in her wheel. I don't know why, as she also has a nice wood house that she likes to sleep in sometimes also. Is this just a convenience thing for her? Or is it something to do with the wheel? She also seems to just sit in it, a lot (and runs..a lot :p)

Third-bedding. I use care fresh bedding, and I took the wire floor out of her cage, as I heard it could cause her feet to hurt. I think she really likes it, but sometimes, she's eat/chew on the bedding. Is there any real reason she's doing this? Or is she just checking it out so to speak?

Sorry if this is some really weird sort of question, but I just worry, as I want her to have the best home I can provide. I thank any, and everyone for their time :)
She seems to be doing well, everything you described is pretty normal. However I would be careful about the bedding, if she's actually EATING it, it could cause impaction. I'd monitor her and watch if she's actually eating it and if so maybe switch to a different bedding.
first, you need to switch the carefresh bedding out. it is dangerous for the exact reason you mention - chewing it and eating it. because it is a paper product, it expands when wet, and it will expand in the chin's digestive system, causing blockage/impaction. get some kiln dried pine or aspen shavings or use a fleece cage liner instead.

what type of wheel does she have? if you bought all your supplies at the pet store, then the wheel is most likely not a chin safe one and needs to be removed. if you post a photo of your cage we can help you figure out what needs to be replaced/improved upon for safety reasons.

as for the petting, it sounds like she's enjoying it. chins aren't much for being handled to begin with, so when they sit and allow you to pet/scritch them, it is considered a compliment! lol. try rubbing under her chin, to one side, she may turn her head and close her eyes. you can definitely see the bliss on chin faces when you hit their favourite spot :))
The wheel, along with her house, I did purchase at Petsmart. But the one I got was the biggest one I could find, and the display picture had a Chinchilla and said it was great for them. If it's bad for her back or something I could get a saucer I think, but she just seems to love running on it so much :(

As for the bedding, I don't know exactly if she is eating it, or just chewing and spitting back up, as her digestive actions are as normal as ever. What exactly is the fleece mentioned? Where would I be able to get that? I was told the wood shaving stuff wasn't the best for her, and before I got her, the house she was in always had carefresh, would she get upset over a big change like that?

I took a picture like you suggested:

Thank you so much for the feedback so far, I really do appreciate it!


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